Thought Experiment regarding light and mirrors...
August 22, 2006 8:24 PM

Thought Experiment regarding light and mirrors...

What would you see if you stood inside a perfectly spherical mirror (lets say its 8 ft. tall/diameter, the height of a ceiling in our house)? The mirror coating the entire inside of the sphere is perfectly smooth, with no seams.
The first problem that i encounter is light. So however you want to illuminate this enclosed structure is fine with me, but try and keep it unobtrusive.
posted by iurodivii to Science & Nature (7 answers total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: this exact question hasbeen asked before

posted by misterbrandt at 8:27 PM on August 22, 2006

This has, surprisingly enough, been asked before. Perhaps this thread will help.
posted by JMOZ at 8:27 PM on August 22, 2006

Great question. I know nothing about the physics of such a thing, but my instinct is that you really wouldn't see anything other than your reflection. My logic is this, if it's perfectly spherical any reflection of a reflection would be blocked by your own body.

I could be totally wrong, but that seems to make sense in my head.
posted by quin at 8:32 PM on August 22, 2006

I believe it's been asked before because it was asked in print, by, I think, Spider Robinson.
posted by baylink at 9:03 PM on August 22, 2006

Go read that thread, it's a good one. My answer is the best, of course.
posted by intermod at 9:04 PM on August 22, 2006

[ clicks through previously; is embarassed, but pleased. ]
posted by baylink at 9:04 PM on August 22, 2006

How come no one paged Spider to that thread?
posted by baylink at 9:08 PM on August 22, 2006

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