Why did I think the Director of Parasite had died in the last couple yea
March 21, 2025 10:18 AM

I just learned that Bong Joon-ho has a new movie "Mickey 17" coming out. I would have sworn on my mother's grave that he had died in the last few years. Does anyone have an explanation for this delusion?
posted by Pembquist to Society & Culture (2 answers total)
Maybe you misremembered the news of Kim Ki-duk’s death in 2020?
posted by mbrubeck at 10:21 AM on March 21

Perhaps you were thinking of the death of PARASITE principal actor Lee Sun-kyun, who died in late 2023, which director Bong Joon-ho demanded an inquiry into?
posted by eschatfische at 10:26 AM on March 21

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