Sarah Palin's Portend
June 29, 2024 4:22 PM

Nobody seems to remember this but me.

But I remember, during an episode of Saturday Night Live, when Sarah Palin was John McCain's running mate, there was a segment that was not a skit, where she was seated in a wingback chair, facing the camera. She said, with no camp whatsoever (I'm paraphrasing), "If I get into the White House, shows like Saturday Night LIve will have to tread a lot more carefully.

I remember watching it, and seeing the expression on her face, and I thought, "What the heck is this?" But now, with the aftermath of the debate, the the NYT editorial board recommending that Biden not run for a second term, her words seem to be coming back.

Did anybody else besides me see this? And if so, is it on the Internet? I can't seem to find it with the keyword searches I've used. And I've looked many times over the years.
posted by CollectiveMind to Society & Culture (6 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
Well, I did NOT find exactly what you asked about (sorry), but I did find a Google hit that includes "Sarah Palin", "Tina Fey" and "tread carefully". Perhaps the OP already found that.
posted by forthright at 5:04 PM on June 29

Do you mean Tiny Fey said this, playing Sarah Palin? Or do you mean this was Palin herself when she made that appalling appearance on the show, complete with Amy Poehler rapping a (shudder) kind of fawning song about Palin while Palin danced in her seat? I can just maybe see Fey-as-Palin saying it, but it sounds a little dark for her portrayal of Palin. Fey's Palin always came across as a blithering idiot with a mean streak, she didn't really seem like an evil schemer. It's a pretty scary line, and if I'd heard Palin say it herself I doubt I would've forgotten it. Was this definitely something from SNL, or could it have been another show?
posted by Ursula Hitler at 5:39 PM on June 29

AFAICT she was only on the one episode of SNL described in y2karl's link, video here: October 18, 2008. It would cost two dollars to watch it.
posted by mark k at 7:56 PM on June 29

They remove portions of shows for streaming all the time though, its never a given the full show is available now. I vaguely remember this too, but can't remember if she said it or Tina Fey or if that's all made up in my head.
posted by tiny frying pan at 5:01 AM on June 30

I have a vague memory of her saying this in an interview after the SNL appearance
posted by Jon_Evil at 6:33 PM on June 30

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