Testing correctly for radon?
May 20, 2024 10:39 AM

We live in an area where radon may be a problem.

A map of our area of the city shows a lot of unpredictable variation of the gas levels, so we are doing a test of our house.

My husband objects to having all the windows shut for the 48 hour radon test during this springtime weather. He works from an upstairs den in our house. Is it possible to get correct radon levels from the test if we keep the windows of the den open during the test period while keeping the doors to the den tightly shut for the entire period?

Thanks so much, everyone!
posted by ragtimepiano to Science & Nature (2 answers total)
Usually those 48 hour tests are only used when you don't have time for a longer test (like when you are buying a house). Since radon levels can vary quite a bit over time, a longer test is usually a better bet. Can you just wait until the winter to do a longer term test?

Or, get yourself a electronic radon meter, which are about $100 now, and just leave it in a few different relevant spots. That's going to give you a much better picture of the situation than one 48 hour test.

It really depends on the specifics of your house and the particular weather conditions at the time of the test if having the upstairs windows open will have a significant impact. There could be a significant stack effect with air flowing under the door and through cracks and then out the window and there could be minimal effect. Bear in mind that you also have to keep the windows shut for 12 hours before starting the test.
posted by ssg at 11:00 AM on May 20

You put the test in the lowest level of the house, usually the basement.

But yes, keep everything closed during the test.

Lung cancer sucks and radon is genuinely bad; here in my part of New England most houses have a radon blower. He can stay indoors in order for you all to know your risk. (Yes, I have no sympathy. Again, lung cancer sucks.)
posted by wenestvedt at 6:54 PM on May 20

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