Getting it on (like Donkey Kong?)
March 30, 2006 8:26 AM   Subscribe

What is the origin of the phrase "It's on like Donkey Kong"?

The phrase seems to have been popularised by the film American Wedding. Does anyone know of an earlier usage? I don't imagine the OED will be covering this anytime soon.
posted by roofus to Writing & Language (5 answers total)
I think it was originally penned in song by the illustrious Ice Cube, but it became popular when it was said in one of the American Pie movies.
posted by iconomy at 8:33 AM on March 30, 2006

Here are the lyrics to Now I Gotta Wet'Cha by Ice Cube, from 1992. There may be pop-ups.
posted by iconomy at 8:38 AM on March 30, 2006

Also "I play you and your mom / like Donkey Kong", from Rahzel's "Carbon Copy (I Can't Stop)", 1999.
posted by rxrfrx at 8:48 AM on March 30, 2006

Popup-free lyric link.
posted by box at 8:49 AM on March 30, 2006

OHHLA's earliest lyrical Donkey Kong reference is from DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince's 'Human Video Game,' but I'm not aware of anyone using the phrase 'it's on like Donkey Kong' before O'Shea.

(I should really pull out some of my old Ice Cube albums.)
posted by box at 8:53 AM on March 30, 2006

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