Studying for a degree outside the UK as a mature student.
June 30, 2019 8:20 PM   Subscribe

I'm 50 years old and I want to study for a degree outside of the UK, my home country. Currently travelling in South East Asia and India. I find the whole prospect quite daunting. Do I study online or enroll in a university in a country such as Thailand or somewhere in Europe for instance? I want to study anthropology, social science or related. I'm too overwhelmed to know where to start.
posted by terminus to Education (1 answer total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: Yes, sorry, as responses here have indicated, there is too much missing info in your post. Please update with more details, and you can give us your changes and we can undelete, or you can just repost tomorrow! -- taz

You may have a lot of options in a variety of countries, but it will depend on your legal status there and your educational background. Perhaps folks answering questions here might want a few more details to help guide you?

- Do you have a first degree and you are seeking a second degree? Or is this a first degree based on qualifications from the UK you obtained in secondary school?

- Will you be planning on working and studying while you are there, or would you be self-funding? How might you pay for this experience?

- Some countries have a whole portal set up for people who'd like to study there - like the Netherlands' site here. Or are you more interested in finding the right place first, and then looking for a course (in English?) there?

- Maybe this is harder to answer, but: what is it about these fields that interests you? Does your work now overlap with them, or is this trip around Asia affecting this, or...?

Good luck! I hope you find a course that brings you a lot of fulfillment.
posted by mdonley at 8:59 PM on June 30, 2019 [1 favorite]

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