Breakfast: Healthy, savory, and super, super easy
January 3, 2018 12:33 PM   Subscribe

Give me breakfast ideas! I've been grabbing breakfast bars, but they're not that healthy and I don't really like them because they're all sweet. I want something healthy and savory. And -- this is the most important part -- it has to be DEAD ASS EASY.

Advance prep is okay but I am not a human being for the first HOUR I'm awake (no matter what time I get up) and I am capable of accomplishing ONE step. Like, I can assemble ingredients OR I can heat something up, but if I have to do both I'm going to grab a piece of bread and wander off, which is basically why I eat breakfast bars even though I don't like them. I might be able to make oatmeal.

Toaster, microwave, oven, range, kettle -- but no toaster oven. Fridge and freezer. I'd be delighted to pre-make something I could portion out and just grab or heat up one portion every day. (Less thrilled to pre-make nightly but I might be able to make it work.)

No notable food restrictions but there's no way I'm eating fish-related things at breakfast, and I think lactose and I are not such good friends these days as we used to be, so I'm not huge on cereal with milk. It doesn't have to be "breakfast food" -- I am perfectly happy to eat a salad for breakfast, and leftover steak, eaten cold, is basically the world's greatest breakfast in my mind. But making a salad every morning would be a lot, and if I had that much leftover steak ... I don't know what I'd do but that does not seem healthy. Ideally I want some options that are make-ahead, heat-and-eat, grab-and-go, and/or super-fast to put together in the morning.

(Oh, I also don't really like peanut butter, people always want you to put peanut butter on stuff for breakfast, and it's all full of sugar anyway. A small amount is fine especially if it's the "glue" holding stuff together like for bumps on a log, but I'm not eating peanut butter as my protein.)
posted by Eyebrows McGee to Food & Drink (102 answers total) 95 users marked this as a favorite
Don't know how you feel about coffee but back when I needed breakfast to really wake me up and keep me going a while, I'd make my coffee and blend an egg into it while it was piping hot using a stick/immersion blender. It made it creamy so I didn't have to add milk/cream, and the protein from the egg smoothed out any jitters the caffeine might've given me. I reckon many feel this is gross or wellness tech trendy or something, but I liked it just fine and it was hard to beat it for fastness--drink the coffee, then maybe go out the door with a piece of fruit. YMMV of course.
posted by ifjuly at 12:38 PM on January 3, 2018

Freezer breakfast burritos win here.
posted by supercres at 12:39 PM on January 3, 2018 [12 favorites]

I've been making mini egg muffins for breakfast for the week on Sunday. Basic recipe here. These have bacon and cheese but you can vary the fillings. I would consider the milk suggested to be optional also. Then keep them in the fridge and reheat a few each morning. I've also frozen them with success, though the texture is not quite as good.
posted by peacheater at 12:42 PM on January 3, 2018 [10 favorites]

Would you like something like overnight oats?
posted by strelitzia at 12:45 PM on January 3, 2018 [2 favorites]

Response by poster: Oh, I don't drink coffee, and praemunire's eggs sound great but that's THREE steps -- assembling ingredients, preparing them, and cooking them! Way too many steps, or I'd just eat scrambled eggs every morning. It really has to be DEAD ASS EASY.
posted by Eyebrows McGee at 12:48 PM on January 3, 2018 [3 favorites]

If you are up for doing a baked frittata on the weekend, you can reheat portions very easily each morning. I've also heard of just baking them in muffin tins so they are already portioned out. The recipe I generally use is this spinach and mushroom recipe here, with variations like yellow onions instead of scallions, cottage cheese instead of ricotta, whatever mushroom is handy. It's really good with some kind of hot sauce.
posted by JenMarie at 12:55 PM on January 3, 2018 [8 favorites]

People seem to have strong feelings about it, so if it’s not your thing, say no more, but have you tried Soylent?
posted by Cogito at 12:55 PM on January 3, 2018 [2 favorites]

Something like praemunire's scrambled eggs could be mixed up in advance and stored in the fridge. In the morning you could scoop a portion into a non-stick frying pan, and scramble.

Along the same line, things like these tiny eggss muffins cooked in advance and stored in fridge.
posted by Squeak Attack at 12:55 PM on January 3, 2018 [5 favorites]

We make hard boiled eggs 6 at a time and put one into whoever seems under-proteined as a standard near-instant breakfast. The eggs can cook at dinner time and are good for about a week unpeeled.

I've also done home-made frozen breakfast burritos or home-made breakfast casserole, which are made from the same bones--basically a big batch of eggs scrambled with soy milk and a ton of appealing veggies or meat, and then either poured over a layer of tater tots to make casserole, or baked as-is and put slices into tortillas with a smear of refried beans and/or tofutti. Put in single-serving amounts in the freezer. Making either is a bit of a weekend project, but they can just be shoved frozen into a microwave for a minute or two in the morning and they feel like real food.
posted by tchemgrrl at 12:56 PM on January 3, 2018 [4 favorites]

Grab and go: hard-boiled eggs that have already been peeled. Most grocery stores have these. Costco has them in a giant package containing little two-egg packets. Can DIY in advance to save money.
posted by Former Congressional Representative Lenny Lemming at 12:56 PM on January 3, 2018 [9 favorites]

Rub some butter around inside a coffee mug. Add one or two eggs, a pinch of salt, and maybe a tablespoon of milk or water. Beat quickly with a fork. Put the mug in the microwave for 45 seconds or so (maybe cover the mug with a paper towel), stir around with the fork again, then back in for another 30-45 seconds. You should get something that can pass for scrambled eggs if you're not picky about them.
posted by dilettante at 12:56 PM on January 3, 2018 [2 favorites]

1. Open container of low fat cottage cheese.

2. Pop open pull tab of mandarin oranges or whatever fruit, fresh or canned, you'd like.

3. Insert oranges / fruit into container of low fat cottage cheese.

4. Mix. Eat. Store whatever you don't eat for tomorrow in cottage cheese container.
posted by HeyAllie at 12:57 PM on January 3, 2018 [4 favorites]

Make your own bars. It takes about 10 minutes plus baking time and if you make a large batch, you'll be set for a week.

I make a variation of this, but there's really no way to do it wrong. Basically you want oats, some flour, some fat, and some protein, then add ins like fruit, nuts, and/or chocolate chips. You'll probably want some sugar of some sort, whether granulated, honey, or molasses, but maybe not if you think peanut butter has too much sugar (Skippy has only about 7 percent of calories from sugar). Fat can come through a moderate amount of peanut butter or oil or butter. Protein also comes through peanut butter and as many eggs as you want to add. Applesauce is also a way to add some sweetness.
posted by Mr.Know-it-some at 12:57 PM on January 3, 2018

Overnight oats. Do a two easy steps the night before, almost nothing in the mornings.

There are tons of recipes.
posted by SaltySalticid at 12:58 PM on January 3, 2018 [1 favorite]

Hard-boiled eggs. I boil a dozen at a time (and sometimes buy the pre-peeled ones) and so they're ready to eat at a moment's notice without any prep. Piece of toast w/wo butter. Piece of fruit (banana? Chunk of melon? handful of berries?).
posted by MovableBookLady at 12:58 PM on January 3, 2018 [2 favorites]

Oh, also if you have a toaster you can make toast. If you don't want sweet stuff you can have it with just butter or even try Marmite. Sorry if this is a stupid suggestion, though.
posted by dilettante at 12:59 PM on January 3, 2018 [2 favorites]

crack egg into greased ceramic vessel (coffee cup or ramekin), poke yolk to prevent explosion, lightly cover with paper towel and microwave for 40 ish seconds. you can also probably do bacon at the same time if you want.

you could pre-make your own instant oatmeal packets with whatever flavor you want and add hot water or milk to eat.

I also like these bars (no-bake, unlike Mr.Know-it-some's), and you can totally improvise the add-ins.
posted by ArgentCorvid at 1:02 PM on January 3, 2018

I generally do this the night before but I think it would be too sweet for you:

Put frozen berries into tupperware. Scoop of Greek yogurt on top. Maybe throw nuts or seeds on there. Put in fridge. In the morning, I pull it out of the fridge, pour a glass of OJ, and eat it. Sometimes I put granola on top, sometimes I don't.

Something I used to do that might be right up your alley:

Hard-boil 6 or 8 eggs at a time at night. Peel when still hot (so easy to peel!), store in tupperware. In the morning, pull out an egg or two, smash between Triscuits, eat with glass of OJ. Stay full until noon.
posted by jabes at 1:04 PM on January 3, 2018 [1 favorite]

Heat and eat: soup. Chicken and rice soup, beef and barley, split pea...the gamut of soups on the soup aisle. Can pour a non-chunky soup into a thermos and people will assume it's something normal, like coffee.
posted by Former Congressional Representative Lenny Lemming at 1:05 PM on January 3, 2018 [1 favorite]

I know you say no breakfast bars, but have you tried something from Quest? They are not very sweet, and pretty healthy as far as processed food goes. Most GNCs and 7-11s carry them these days.
posted by Gorgik at 1:05 PM on January 3, 2018

Is buying things an option? It sounds like you would really like these superfood veggie cakes I buy at costco. They're like veggie-packed egg cups and they microwave beautifully. I think of them as a healthier jimmy dean-type option.

You could make something like that yourself, in a muffin tin, but it sounds like you've already rules that out (which is fine!).
posted by mosst at 1:05 PM on January 3, 2018 [2 favorites]

Crustless quiche.
posted by Mr. Yuck at 1:06 PM on January 3, 2018 [2 favorites]

Could you premake a week's worth of scrambled eggs in advance? I will scramble 10 or so at a time in a big pan, leaving them juuuuuust slightly underdone, then portion into single-serving Tupperware containers. Stick in microwave and zap for a minute, then eat straight out of the Tupperware container. No more work than grabbing a piece of bread out of the bag! No, the texture isn't as awesome as freshly scrambled eggs, but up against all the other limitations you describe (which I also have), I still feel I come out way ahead on the health/convenience factor.

I've also done the make-ahead egg muffin thing before, but I like the one-pan scramble method way better, egg muffins stick to the muffin pan like whoa and the cleanup is super irritating.
posted by anderjen at 1:08 PM on January 3, 2018 [1 favorite]

I can vouch for overnight oats (I use oats, almond milk and salt, no sugar) and frozen breakfast burritos.

You can also try a breakfast riff on ploughman’s lunch - some mix of cheese, ham, HB egg, nuts, fruit. Maybe crackers or a roll.

If your lactose issues don’t extend to yogurt, yogurt with muesli is great and it’s easy to make your own.
posted by bunderful at 1:11 PM on January 3, 2018

Response by poster: "Is buying things an option?"

Yep. I mean it's not like breakfast bars are cheap and I don't even like them, so I am totally down for prepackaged food I don't have to fuck around with that I actually like to eat, and willing to spend a bit more if it's healthy and tastes good to me!

I can do toast (literally the limit of my complexity tolerance) but it's not really filling enough and I'm kinda meh about it. The make-ahead egg-quiche-thingies, frozen breakfast burritos, and overnight oats all sound like intriguing possibilities!
posted by Eyebrows McGee at 1:12 PM on January 3, 2018

You gotta make a baked frittata/crustless quiche on the weekend and keep it in the fridge. It keeps really well.

Eggs, milk/cream; spinach, feta. Herbs if you want; green or caramelized onion if you want. Sauteed mushrooms and peppers if you want. Hell go crazy and put some ham in there if your god won't mind.

Bake it up in a pan, cut pieces off during entire ensuing week.
posted by fingersandtoes at 1:12 PM on January 3, 2018 [3 favorites]

Savory oatmeal. Prepare any ingredients you'd like. Morning of, day before, whatever. Mushrooms, sausage bits, spinach, basically anything you'd put in an omelette. Or just use cheese, whatever. Open packet of instant oatmeal (or 2...) into bowl. Throw in random ingredients from step 1. Add water. Nuke. Eat.

(I prefer sweet to savory so I do the above with fruit, that doesnt sound like that's your jam.)
posted by cgg at 1:17 PM on January 3, 2018 [2 favorites]

I'm a huge fan of make-ahead shakshuka. First, you make a pot of the sauce which is just a glorified tomato sauce with peppers, onions, and spices-- very easy and customizable. Portion the sauce (I use Ziploc snack bags) and freeze. The night before, move a bag from the freezer to the fridge. Then dump it in a small pan, warm it up and crack an egg or two into the sauce, and cover. No stirring or anything-- just remove from heat when the egg is poached to your preferred degree of doneness. You may see pictures of it garnished with feta, parsley etc. but it tastes great without, too.

You'll have to futz around with it once or twice to figure out the ideal cooking time based on how watery your sauce is and how "done" you like your eggs, but after that it really is a stupidly easy yet extremely flavorful breakfast.

I also really like plain yogurt with muesli. Muesli is not very sweet; you can make your own using bulk bins but I like the "Finax" brand at Ikea (I blend the two types).
posted by acidic at 1:18 PM on January 3, 2018

My solution is a gingered veggie soup, made on the weekend, and reheated in the microwave in a travel mug, eaten/drunk on the train.

Saute an onion in the Instant Pot, grating in a generous amount of fresh ginger. Add a teaspoon or so of ground cloves. Clean out the fridge, and roughly chop any veggies on the edge of being dodgy (or be fancy and use fresh veggies that you've bought just for this purpose) and chuck 'em in. My most recent batch included carrots, broccoli, celery, a potato, some greens and a little bit of squash. Toss in a handful of lentils or navy beans, cover with veggie broth, and cook. I did it in a Crock Pot before I got an Instant Pot. When everything's soft puree really well, add some milk or cream if you want (make sure it's a pour-able consistency), and store in the fridge. I usually make a huge batch and freeze it in week-sized chunks.

At night, I pour a serving into this microwaveable mug, so in the morning all I have to do is pop it in the microwave for 2.5 minutes and I'm out the door.

(I feel like these instructions make it sound more complicated than it is. It takes so little time or effort. But, if it is too much, those prepared pureed soups are great too.)
posted by Tentacle of Trust at 1:19 PM on January 3, 2018 [3 favorites]

Fritatta is my thing 90% of the time. I make mine in my rice cooker (nonstick, throw it in and forget about it until the song plays) with whatever's around - I'll often freeze baggies of leftover proteins and roasted vegetables to use up in fritatta, plus I often use a shake of frozen spinach, and then I like to lay slices of tomato on the top because it looks fancy. You can also do pretty thin slices of regular/sweet potato to put on the bottom of the pan before you pour the eggs over. My egg-to-milk ratio is eyeballed, but I try for 1.5 to 2 eggs per day, so usually 6-8 eggs for most of the week.

I like to eat reheated fritatta with a little cottage cheese, though you can also dump that into the fritatta if you'd rather.

If you want to freeze it in portions, mix in 1-2 tablespoons of flax meal or flour of any kind. It helps keep it from being watery when thawed.
posted by Lyn Never at 1:20 PM on January 3, 2018 [4 favorites]

I make variations on this breakfast slab pie for big brunches a lot, and it keeps quite reasonably well in the fridge after baking. Just hack off a piece in the morning-- you can heat it up or not, your choice.
posted by Kpele at 1:21 PM on January 3, 2018 [3 favorites]

I do the breakfast burritos thing with 1 packet of sausage meat (ground sausage?) and six big eggs, which are pretty quick to fry up all together and optionally add hot sauce, and then cool down before burrito-ing and freezing.

Move one to the fridge the night before and you probably don't even have to microwave it in the morning.

Or have cereal with soy milk or almond milk or whatever other funky lactose free milk is available?
posted by quacks like a duck at 1:21 PM on January 3, 2018

I have recently been introduced to the wonders of baked oatmeal. I've been working off the recipe here, but the overall concept is pretty straightforward: combine 2 cups oats, a bunch of fruit (dried or fresh) and/or nuts, a custard (2 cups milk + 2 eggs + some melted butter), and various seasonings (pinch of salt, a few pinches of cinnamon, tsp of vanilla) and then bake it for a bit under an hour. Hot and fresh out the oven, it has a consistency not unlike bread pudding but the main advantage is that it'll keep for a few days to a week in the fridge and is also very good cold. Now, the milk content of the traditional custard may not be great for your lactose intolerance and I haven't tried out any dairy substitutes myself but it does seem like various people on the internet have suggestions there.

Meanwhile, for non-traditional breakfast, I've recently rediscovered the deliciousness of leftover ribs, cold from the fridge. For extra convenience, you can cut them into individual ribs ahead of time instead of hacking off a rib or two from the slab each morning.
posted by mhum at 1:25 PM on January 3, 2018 [7 favorites]

Also possibly I'm a weirdo, but mentions of toast reminds me that I like to top my toast with somewhat unconventional things. One favorite is potato salad (make sure it's made with hard-boiled eggs and vinegar - my local grocery deli makes it like this similar to my grandmother's recipe). Lots of fresh ground black pepper on top. Another good thing on toast is cottage cheese mixed with chopped green onions and fresh ground black pepper. Use full fat cottage cheese or it will be a bit runny.
posted by JenMarie at 1:29 PM on January 3, 2018 [1 favorite]

Frozen bean and cheese burritos come in like packs of 8-10 for like 3 bucks and microwave in like a minute each...add salsa and eat or just run out the door with one and one of the many many packets of 'fire' hot sauce you stole from the taco bell.
posted by sexyrobot at 1:30 PM on January 3, 2018 [1 favorite]

Yeah, the breakfast burritos are a great option. The only problem I've ever had with those is that people eat them all during other times of day so there are never any for breakfast.

Other things I do: I literally just eat whatever leftovers there are, heated up. Soup, chili, curry, beans and rice, whatever. If I'm feeling fancy and traditionalist, sometimes I'll fry an egg to put on top to make it "breakfast"-thing.

I eat salads for breakfast all the time, using those prewashed ready to eat salad greens plus a hardboiled egg and whatever else I have around, like olives or lunchmeats or whatever.

Stonefire mini naans can be stored frozen and then toasted individually for fresh, warm flatbread (they're not really like normal naan, but they're good) to go with whatever.

Don't tell anyone, but sometimes I just put refritos on a tortilla or some chips, add some thin sliced cheese and microwave it, then dump salsa on it for a dirtbag "burrito" or "nachos." It's OK to be a dirtbag in the morning.

Oh, and when I was a kid, my default breakfast was Campbell's vegetarian vegetable soup. I don't normally have that around anymore, but I do stand by that choice.
posted by ernielundquist at 1:31 PM on January 3, 2018

My issue with breakfast burritos -- at least the prefab ones -- is that (like nearly all prefab foods) they're incredibly high in sodium.
posted by uberchet at 1:37 PM on January 3, 2018

My kids are in love with the baked oatmeal recipes from Budget Bytes. (Link is to all oat recipes but they have quite a few varieties of baked oatmeal. We can personally vouch for banana, apple pie, and pumpkin pie versions.) The mixing and baking part is very easy, and we generally do that ahead and just microwave morning-of.

Also, the kids OD'ed on quiche and now we're on hiatus, but for awhile I made a weekly quiche. Note that this recipe was specially designed for my severely underweight children, so you may wish to back off on the fat levels:

Put refrigerated pie crust in a pan. Mix up 3 eggs, 12 oz heavy cream, 1 c shredded cheddar, and 1-1.5 cups total of leftover meats and vegetables (sausage/bacon/ham; frozen peas or vegetable mix work fine.) Pour in crust. Bake. I usually put in an extra cup of cheese by sprinkling half on bottom of pie crust and half on top of eggs.
posted by telepanda at 1:41 PM on January 3, 2018 [1 favorite]

These are all too hard. I am here to tell you cold or room temp quiche or frittata that you have made on the weekend or a couple nights ago are fantastic. So if you make and portion them ahead, you're just taking them out of the fridge. If you take your slice out and go do your other morning stuff, it'll take off the icy chill and be a little more flavorful.

Did you know that if you splurge on nice fresh crusty bread, you ain't even got to toast it?
posted by kapers at 1:42 PM on January 3, 2018 [1 favorite]

Ok, I bake a savory oat cereal once a week. I add a few dashes of water and reheat it in the microwave each morning. I then top it with homemade mozzarella (or feta if I don't make the oats too salty, or even avocado sometimes) and eat.

I just eyeball it when making: 3 cups quick oats, 3 cups original oats, then throw in all other savory things that you have in your pantry: millet, hemp seeds, flax, chia, sunflower, pumpkin seeds, salt, pepper. Add in enough boiling water to wet it all but not drown it. Add in a few glugs of olive oil. Stir. Lay out on 1 to 2 baking sheets that you pre-dusted in flour. Bake at 375F for ~30 mins, stir half way thru. I often double the recipe and it freezes well.
posted by rabidsegue at 1:44 PM on January 3, 2018 [1 favorite]

Tortilla Espanola, basically egg/potato friatta is good cold as a variation on the bake one friatta/quiche a week suggestions
posted by typecloud at 1:50 PM on January 3, 2018 [1 favorite]

Tortilla is a great idea! And you can even do it without fresh potatoes using chips instead.
posted by supercres at 1:53 PM on January 3, 2018 [2 favorites]

Also if you want to make-ahead your own bars:

Hemp seed apricot chews
I made these with pumpkin seeds because I have no idea what hemp seeds are or what they taste like, and they were good. Raisins are a good sub for dates, if dates are hard to find.

5 ingredient granola bars
Parchment paper was very helpful for both these bars and I liked putting the parchment over the top and smooshing everything down flat with the bottom of a glass. Bonus fun.
posted by Squeak Attack at 1:55 PM on January 3, 2018

Kashi makes (made?) savory granola bars, which might at least be a decent alternative to sweet ones. I have seen them at Target, but not sure of their current availability. Another route would be hummus or an herb cream cheese spread on a multigrain bagel or piece of toast (adding fat and protein will make it a more filling option)
posted by LKWorking at 1:59 PM on January 3, 2018 [1 favorite]

overnight chia porridge is as simple as it gets. I find adding chopped up fruit helps the texture.
posted by bq at 2:00 PM on January 3, 2018 [1 favorite]

I see no reason not to grab a piece of bread and wander off. Bread is a perfectly fine breakfast. Half of the population of several European countries eats bread for breakfast every day.

If you want protein: add cheese, meat and/or eggs. If you want vegs, add tomatoes or whatever you like.

Maybe I'm missing something but this seems so obvious... I must be Dutch.

Bonus! Easiest way to boil an egg:
- Put water in electric kettle
- Put egg in water (gently so you don't break it)
- Boil water
- Wait 8 minutes (no need to keep water boiling)
- Rinse egg in cold water. Peel and eat.
posted by Too-Ticky at 2:03 PM on January 3, 2018 [5 favorites]

Everybody else has awesome ideas, but I just came in to say, if you really want scrambled eggs every morning, they really don’t have to take three steps. All you really need to do is heat up a pan with some sort of oil or fat in it, crack your eggs into the pan, and stir them up immediately in the pan. You could add some pre shredded or crumbled cheese here, too. I used to do the whole mix in a bowl with milk thing, but in a fit of laziness, I discovered that it’s not really necessary.
posted by Weeping_angel at 2:10 PM on January 3, 2018 [5 favorites]

I am also someone who really craves a warm, savory, convenient/grab-and-go breakfast and I'm a huge fan of the Smitten Kitchen breakfast slab pie that Kpele linked above. It has become my default weekday breakfast. I cut it into 16 pieces when I make it, and since the dough can be made and frozen ahead of time and the vegetables can be cooked a couple of days in advance, I only have to put the whole thing together about once every other week to be totally set on dead ass easy breakfasts.
posted by Anita Bath at 2:15 PM on January 3, 2018 [1 favorite]

I'd love a slice of Spanish Tortilla for breakfast anytime, either traditional with potatoes or a variation using slices of kabocha squash. When I was in Turkey my go to breakfast was a boiled egg (pre-boiled and just peeled when ready to eat) and a scoop of olives from the jar. Toast can be converted to an energy food by adding tahini, or replace the toast with a sliced apple. In Costa Rica we would eat beans and rice with some pickled veg (fried egg optional if you have time).
posted by perrouno at 2:17 PM on January 3, 2018 [2 favorites]

A basic ham and cheese sandwich is pretty good in the morning.
posted by vunder at 2:18 PM on January 3, 2018

You can freeze homemade pancakes and reheat. I usually re-heat in a toaster oven but microwave and oven would work just fine. I usually use leftovers from a weekend batch early in the week. I use buttermilk pancake recipe identified here as a base: and either add cinnamon or lemon zest and some sort of berry fruit to the batter to mix up flavors. Plain works fine too. I also give pre-frozen pancakes as gifts to working parents with newborns and they seem to go over well.
posted by edbles at 2:28 PM on January 3, 2018

make ahead couscous salad - mine usually is tomatoes, cucumber, red and/or green onion, bell pepper, and then anything else that seems fresh or tasty. i make the couscous per instructions, fluffing w/ fork etc, then while it's cooling i chop up the veg (sometimes i admit i use the food processor for this, but hand chopping makes it taste better later in the week). then i add a scoop of the veg to the couscous, mix, store in one tupperware, and store the rest of the veg in another tupperware. squeeze a bit of greek/ceasar/etc dressing into each for a bit more flavor.

then in the morning put a scoop of couscous in a bowl and a scoop of veggies. protein can be pre-made cold crumbled bacon, chopped chicken, boiled egg, leftover protein from last night, etc. if you can manage and you care, you can also throw a fork of feta or pre-shredded parm or whatever cheese sounds good. it's less than 30sec to prep and if you put it in a bowl with a cover, you can even put 2 portions in there and have 1 for a snack or lunch later.

you can push this more tex-mex, more indian, more whatever flavor you like just by changing dressing, cheese, seasoning, etc.
posted by I'm Not Even Supposed To Be Here Today! at 2:29 PM on January 3, 2018 [2 favorites]

I often have egg salad on toast in the morning. I make my own egg salad (NOT that morning, like...over the weekend or whatever), but you can even just buy egg salad at the deli counter. Toast bread, plonk egg salad on it. Salt and pepper. Eat!
posted by Countess Sandwich at 2:30 PM on January 3, 2018 [2 favorites]

I don't know if this is too many steps for you, but I used to love savory oatmeal:

1 cup water
1/2 cup quick oats

Microwave 2 minutes in a bowl.

Crack an egg and stir it into the hot oatmeal with a fork. Toss in some dried cranberries, maybe some curry powder (sounds weird, but I like it), or some yeast extract (brewer's yeast). If I am feeling up to it, nuke some Jimmy Dean's breakfast sausage (before cooking the oatmeal) and cut them into tiny chunks and stir those in as well.

The egg whipped into the oatmeal makes it a base for anything you want to add, and it cooks as you whip it in with a fork.
posted by Marie Mon Dieu at 2:31 PM on January 3, 2018 [1 favorite]

Morningstar [veggie] Sausage Patties. If you like them and have access to a Costco, they sell a 36 pack for around $12.
posted by peep at 2:40 PM on January 3, 2018 [1 favorite]

Why not sandwiches? I just make a whole bunch on the weekend, cut them in half, then eat one in the morning. No heating, cooking, nothing. If you want to add cheese and zap it for 15 seconds, then it's a melty cheese sandwich.
posted by yes I said yes I will Yes at 2:42 PM on January 3, 2018

I've eaten these sandwiches almost everyday for about a year. I microwave and then finish it off on my panini press for a very light browning on the bread. You could try it minus the panini press. Where I live, these are sold at Whole Foods and Fred Meyer. I've tried to make make own frozen egg and cheese sandwiches, but egg always seems to turn out rubbery when I cook and freeze it -- I'm not sure how the companies that make frozen egg achieve it, so I buy these.

I've also enjoyed burritos for breakfast -- just bean and cheese burritos that, again, I cook in a microwave and finish on my panini press. When I'm really watching my calories, I have these papusas (usually the bean and cheese), which again I microwave and then put on my panini press to add a little crispiness. Fast, easy, hot, savory, healthy.
posted by AppleTurnover at 2:45 PM on January 3, 2018

oh yeah. freezer pancakes/waffles. there's no reason you can't make those in savory flavors/toppings ahead of time and heat them in the toaster (on "frozen" setting if you have one).
posted by ArgentCorvid at 2:49 PM on January 3, 2018

Amy's frozen burritos. Done. When you forget to buy them, cheese and crackers. If you're an organized go-getter, hardboiled eggs that you make once a week.
posted by HotToddy at 2:59 PM on January 3, 2018

I made a double batch of this Dutch baby recipe in a 9x13" pan this weekend and have been eating a piece for breakfast every morning. I roasted some apples with cinnamon in the pan before I poured in the batter, but you could do the same with onions, mushrooms, peppers, etc. (and maybe omit the sugar/add some cheese).
posted by rebekah at 3:04 PM on January 3, 2018 [1 favorite]

If you want to make boiled eggs ahead of time, love yourself and get an electric pressure cooker. Never has peeling eggs been easier.
posted by I'm Not Even Supposed To Be Here Today! at 3:06 PM on January 3, 2018

Scramble your eggs IN THE PAN. This was a game-changer for me when it came to eating eggs for breakfast because I too hate multi-step breakfasts (and who wants to wash an extra bowl?).

Just use the side of a non-scratch spatula. My method: crack eggs into a pan at medium heat, scramble so the yolks are broken and moderately mixed with the whites. Add pre-shredded cheese, pre-diced veggies/ham, whatever. If you want to be really fancy, fold the eggs over like a messy omelet. This takes literally 3 minutes and it is the BEST breakfast.

Alternative suggestion: savory oatmeal. Add butter/coconut oil, plus anything else you want (the above-mentioned shredded cheese or pre-diced veggies/ham work well for this as well).

Easiest of all: roll up some smoked turkey slices or other relatively healthy deli meats with some cheese, or celery.
posted by lunasol at 3:21 PM on January 3, 2018 [1 favorite]

Savoury muffins freeze well and can be reheated from frozen while you go about your morning routine -I just place them in the oven at low heat for 15 mins or so.
posted by koahiatamadl at 3:22 PM on January 3, 2018

Some salads keep well enough that you could make up a big batch and then partake of it for days. I made this teriyaki kale one recently and it was good. (I didn’t do the chicken part.) There’s also a thing where you pack a salad into a mason jar and allegedly it stays fresh for a long time. Never tested that myself.

As mentioned above there is such a thing as a commercially produced savory energy type bar - here is Kind’s selection - and you could even get ambitious and make your own. (Never tried that; I loooove sugar.)
posted by lakeroon at 3:44 PM on January 3, 2018

I solve this by having leftovers for breakfast. Could be anything: scrambled eggs and bacon from the weekend, last night’s salmon Caesar, chili, burrito, whatever. Just make too much when you cook and portion the leftovers into little tupperwares to grab (and heat if applicable).
posted by rabbitrabbit at 3:46 PM on January 3, 2018

I also like the scrambled egg bowls that Jimmy Dean makes, those are just heat and eat. Other brands might make a healthier version. I keep them in the freezer for days when there are no leftovers to be had.
posted by rabbitrabbit at 3:47 PM on January 3, 2018

Pizza. Order pizza the night before. Warm in microwave or eat cold. If you want to be healthier make your own with almond flour or cauliflower crusts..
posted by BoscosMom at 4:24 PM on January 3, 2018 [2 favorites]

Pizza is tragically underestimated as a breakfast food. There are some nice versions with bacon, sausage and eggs, but a basic slice - cold, or heated and topped with an optional egg, is perfect.
posted by bunderful at 4:29 PM on January 3, 2018

When I need that kind of breakfast, I eat Progresso lentil soup. Open can (without opener), put in pan, heat, eat.

It's filling and a pretty neutral flavor, so you could add some dead ass easy shakes of something on it. If you worry about sodium, make some lentil soup and freeze it.
posted by jgirl at 4:43 PM on January 3, 2018

I'm loving this AskMeFi - one I've been trying to articulate for a while. I always do a default breakfast sandwich at downtown Seattle breakfast places (Cherry Street is my go-to), but it's really expensive to eat breakfast takeout, maybe more than lunch.

1) I'm remembering how great Turkish breakfast was when I visited 10 years ago. It's a permutation of some of the above responses: buy feta cheese, kalamata olives, cucumbers, tomatoes (in season), plain yogurt, honey. hard boil some eggs in advance, peel and sprinkle some salt and pepper on them. the flavors here are eye-openers and go really well with most hot beverages.
2) Make savory waffles - reduce the sugar (keep a little, helps with the browning), add your favorite herbs: oregano, thyme, dill. make them ahead of time and keep em in the fridge. pop in the toaster oven for 5-10 min tops. you can even add cheese to melt, spread some cream cheese on at the end, or dip in the plain yogurt from 1).
posted by SoundInhabitant at 4:51 PM on January 3, 2018 [2 favorites]

Savory cottage cheese with sriracha and chickpeas. Protein-y and fatty. Yummmm.
posted by pintapicasso at 5:13 PM on January 3, 2018 [4 favorites]

Great suggestions in general. Another one that's super-easy is baked eggs. Grease a ramekin, crack one or two eggs into it, and add a splash of milk and grated cheese. Bake at 400 degrees for 12-13 minutes until the eggs are set.

Another really tasty thing to do is whenever your oven is going (sometime at night), put in a tray of quartered or sliced potatoes, lightly doused with olive oil, salt, and pepper. You can also add paprika if you like it. Roast at 400, stirring every 10 - 15 minutes, until crispy and brown. You can top these with Parmesan or cheddar cheese if you want, and just eat them cold for breakfast the next day, or as a side with your baked eggs. A piece of fruit goes with this really well.
posted by dancing_angel at 5:20 PM on January 3, 2018 [2 favorites]

I use this method for overnight oats, and it works a treat. When you pull the oats off the heat, give them a good stir before you let them sit, or the water doesn’t get evenly absorbed. If you add any spices (I like cinnamon and ginger, pick whatever suits), stir a little in at that point as well, and the flavor will develop overnight.

Mixing a quarter cup of Grape Nuts into your oatmeal makes it hearty as fuck. It also provides some nice texture if you prefer more toothiness to your oatmeal.
posted by Autumnheart at 6:10 PM on January 3, 2018 [2 favorites]

Not sure how you feel about the microwave, but I love to make scrambled eggs this way: crack a couple of eggs in a dish, swish with a fork, add a handful of spinach and or a couple of tablespoons of salsa, and maybe some goat cheese, then microwave for about a minute. After the first minute, swish around with the fork again and put back in the microwave for another 30 seconds. Swish again and leave for a minute or so before eating. If you use "wet" salsa you might want to add another 15 seconds or so.

You can substitute half a cup of any chopped veggies for the spinach, and add bacon bits, chopped sausage, etc..
posted by rpfields at 6:21 PM on January 3, 2018 [2 favorites]

Breakfast Soup:

Make some soup. Have the leftovers for breakfast. It's the best thing ever.
posted by amtho at 6:23 PM on January 3, 2018

Yep, reheated soup. Lentils, split pea, kale and sausage and white bean, are limited only by your imagination.

Also, I think most Americans' objection to bread comes from not using enough butter. The right way to do it is to slice the butter like cheese, and lay a slab of butter onto the bread. Seriously, the butter should have thickness. A millimeter or two, at least. You don't even need to toast the bread. Do use salted butter, though, because salt and fat is way better than fat alone.
posted by d. z. wang at 6:35 PM on January 3, 2018 [2 favorites]

I eat a lot of hummus for breakfast. It's better if you have sliced cucumbers and olives or cheese (like herbed feta from a tub is fine here) ready, but it's also pretty great on toast. Or cold pita. Or pretzel sticks, because morning is a judgement free-zone.
posted by jetlagaddict at 6:44 PM on January 3, 2018 [1 favorite]

They require advance effort, but I am so happy when past-me made Scotch eggs over the weekend and present-me gets to grab one out of the fridge for breakfast and eat it cold on the way to work.

I have also been known to grab a slice of ham and a slice of cheese from the fridge, roll them together, and eat just like that for breakfast.

One of my coworkers makes her own breakfast burritos each weekend. She wraps them in foil, freezes them, and takes them to work just like that. By the time she gets to work they're already thawed.
posted by rhiannonstone at 6:57 PM on January 3, 2018

Yay that you are open to leftovers! But you can also have leftover chopped salad (just veggies and dressing, veggies with beans and/or grains and dressing) because it won't wilt like leafy salad. I still eat variations on my old recipe.

And I often cook 1-2 pounds of potatoes and let them cool in the fridge, then mix some with drained/Greek yogurt, dill weed, salt and pepper, leaving the rest for quick meals (oil in skillet, some cooked, sliced potatoes, add a couple of eggs on top, cover and cook gently for about 5 minutes until eggs are set.)
posted by maudlin at 7:34 PM on January 3, 2018

I also can't do anything more complicated than pour cereal in the morning, and I loooove overnight oats. And just to be clear, I'm talking about the method that "cooks" them overnight in the fridge (at least one poster above is talking about a type of slow cooking method over heat). There are a ton of recipes on Pinterest and the like, but my standard is:

- 1/2 C quick cook or regular oats
- 1 C milk or non-dairy milk of your cohice
- a couple shakes salt
- shake of spices such as cinnamon/nutmeg/cloves
- half a sliced banana
- handful of berries (I use frozen so they're always on hand), or 2 scoops PB2

Put everything in a quart mason jar, put on the lid, shake it up, and leave overnight in the fridge. I make 2 or 3 nights' worth at once. I keep all the dry ingredients in once place so it's easy to do when I'm tired before bed.

The oats get super soft soaking in the milk so you don't need to do anything in the morning except shake again, unscrew the lid, and stick in your spoon. You can add a scoop of granola at that point if you're feeling fancy.
posted by radioamy at 8:25 PM on January 3, 2018

I like to make a sort of hash that (in my opinion) is great heated up in the microwave for breakfast. You can make enough at one time to last several days. Probably you could freeze it, but I don't know if I ever have. Boil some potato and sweet potato until soft. Fry some ground beef with a lot of chili powder until it's not pink. Add the potato and sweet potato, chopping and mashing it with a spatula, with some more chili powder, maybe some salt and pepper. Fry it all up until it looks done enough for you.
posted by Redstart at 8:28 PM on January 3, 2018 [1 favorite]

Things to add to your toast: ricotta; avocado (I sometimes buy premade guac and store in the freezer); sliced hardboiled egg; cold cuts and cheese
posted by i_am_a_fiesta at 8:38 PM on January 3, 2018

Oh! I forgot to add "a small blurt of honey" to my recipe above.
posted by radioamy at 8:40 PM on January 3, 2018

I eat:
1) instant oatmeal, made by putting insta-hot hot water and a packet of plain oatmeal into a cup. To this, I add some slivered almonds and honey (stored immediately next to oatmeal packets).
2) about 4-5 overflowing globs of 2% cottage cheese, with the aforementioned honey & almonds.

I find that the almonds add protein and texture, and the choose-your-own sweetness of honey adds flavor, so I eat it almost every day.

I can also vouch for microwave eggs, made easy:
3) pour a few glugs of Liquid eggs (the kind sold in what looks like a milk carton) into a mug, add a little bit of butter, microwave for 45 seconds, stir, then either eat or microwave more if needed.
posted by samthemander at 9:21 PM on January 3, 2018 [1 favorite]

Sausage Cornbread Bake, make over the weekend, portion, freeze, reheat.
posted by the man of twists and turns at 11:34 PM on January 3, 2018 [1 favorite]

LITERALLY JUST ASSEMBLED FANCY BREAKFASTS for when you didn't make a frittata or do any such responsible prep work:

-- trail mix in unsweetened yogurt
--toasted English muffin with cheddar cheese (presliced natch) and chutney
--"doubledown" made of two frozen veggie burgers with cheddar cheese singles in the middle (this monstrosity is why I miss my microwave)
--fancy sliced bread with labneh cheese and a handful of bagged arugula
--straight up smoked salmon

But yah also just bread and butter or bread and ham or bread and cheese are hard to beat.
posted by athirstforsalt at 1:02 AM on January 4, 2018

If you like rice and you're willing to throw money and counterspace at the problem, we bought a fancy rice cooker a few months ago and now eat pretty much exclusively brown rice for breakfast. Usually seasoned with a splash of sesame oil and soy sauce, but it's very versatile (I also like pesto rice, cheesy rice, rice with some protein on top).

Neither of us are traditional-breakfast people and it's a lot cheaper than our previous go-to of bagels & dairy-free cream cheese. Takes 5mins to put rice on the night before, you can set it to cook on a timer so that it's ready whenever you're going to want to eat it the next morning, and all you need to do when you wake up is scoop it into a bowl, season and go.
posted by terretu at 3:11 AM on January 4, 2018 [1 favorite]

Instead of a breakfast bar just eat the main ingredients: a handful of nuts and some dried fruit. My current favorite is a handful of almonds and a couple of dried apricots. Doesn't get much more grab-and-go than that.
posted by evilmomlady at 3:59 AM on January 4, 2018 [1 favorite]

Something else good you can do, while you're scrambling your eggs in the pan, is to put a piece of bread in there with it. If you're frying your egg in butter that helps because then the bread becomes a fried toasty thing. Like french toast, but faster and more savory.

Not seeing much mention of granola... I think all of the granola you can buy is way too sugary, and flavors like cinnamon and maple, which are not mandatory, are overrepresented. But have you considered making your own granola? It freezes very well and is delicious with plain yogurt--or not plain, you decide! You can make a huge batch and include whatever wonderful things you want. It's difficult to mess up. I like to make one of the olive oil granola recipes, and only use honey as a sweetener. Pistachios, almonds, coconut, cardamom, dates, raisins, yum yum yum!
posted by heatvision at 4:28 AM on January 4, 2018 [1 favorite]

Ok I see other people have come up with my three fast breakfasts (microwave oatmeal, scramble eggs in pan, dump yogurt on top of bowl of muesli) but I'm here to make a plug for natural peanut butter, without all that sugar and palm oil that other brands have. Yes it separates, but only on a warm shelf. Buy it, mix it up, and store it in the fridge.
posted by Vatnesine at 6:56 AM on January 4, 2018

- Apple with mozzarella cheese sticks (grab a baggie and napkin for the core in the car) . Could prepackage this in the fridge, minus the apple).

- Pre portion nuts of your choice into small tupperwares or baggies that are easy to grab on the way out. Trader Joes Thai Lime Chili Cashews are surprisingly delicious for breakfast and don't get all over the car.

- +1 for premade and peeled hard boiled eggs - cook the whoke dozen, peel, package 2 to a tupperware. Then in the morning, stab them through the heart with a knife and microwave for 30 seconds in the tupperware. Don't microwave without stabbing the yolks - I had one explode in the microwave, and another exploded in my mouth! (luckily no damage).

- not THAT healthy, but Trader Joe's frozen Bao is really good for breakfast. It's savory but sweet, and you microwave from frozen so only one step required (move from package to dish, put wet paper towel over, nuke.)

- I'm currently trying to figure out a Congee prep that would make it easy to eat in the morning.

(Love athirstforsalt's idea of two veggie patties with a cheese slice un between - gonna look into that.)
posted by bluesky78987 at 8:12 AM on January 4, 2018 [2 favorites]

Dude kale has been my saving grace for breakfast lately

1. chop the kale
2. sautee with balsamic vinegar and oil

If you're making scrambled / fried eggs anyway, just grab a second pan and you can stir them both at the same time, it's great. And then you feel fancy because your mouth gets to experience TWO flavors and you're not even awake yet.
posted by switcheroo at 8:39 AM on January 4, 2018 [1 favorite]

Hard-boiled eggs, pre-peeled, are about all I can think of that would be savory and one-step. I can't stand them, but they do sound dead-ass easy, tbh.

Or, a half-cup of canned beans, room-temp if heating them is an extra step.
posted by Crystal Fox at 8:59 AM on January 4, 2018

I looked for a few recipes that are savory, wholesome and make-ahead friendly:

Quinoa Skillet Bread will keep for a few days and you can eat it with hard boiled egg or with sugar free nut butter.

Whole grain pancakes toast pretty well -- they're 100% a weekend food but when we're full I just keep making them until the batter is gone. My personal bias is that it isn't worth bothering with pancakes if you aren't going to use buttermilk. I either refrigerate or freeze them and then toast them during the week to eat with a fried egg. I think toasting a pancake while frying an egg might fail your "dead easy" test but maybe nut butter? This carrot pancake recipe looks interesting, I bet you could also use zucchini.

A few more ideas that are definitely better fresh, but would be better than breakfast bars if you froze them and then warmed them: DIY Powerbars, Feta Pumpkin Muffins, Slab Pie, Date Breakfast Squares aren't savory but they look freezable.
posted by amandabee at 9:50 AM on January 4, 2018

True confessions: The Dollar Tree sells single serve frozen breakfast sandwiches (Jimmy Dean, I think?) that I always keep in my freezer for days when I have to shove something in my face but I have zero time or effort to expend. They keep me from getting higher calorie and more expensive fast food versions, and they are made of some sort of magical food science that means one minute in the microwave makes the english muffin soft and chewy and the sausage cooked and the cheese melty.

I don’t claim them to be mega-healthy, but they are SO EASY. As a fellow non-lover of sweet breakfasts, I value them highly.

My other one step savory breakfast food: you know those cartons of liquid eggs? I used to pour some of those in a teacup, microwave on 70% power until fluffy and egg-like, and maybe throw some cheese on top. Boom: scrambled eggs with zero shell cracking or stirring or getting out a pan or melting butter or pouring oil or anything. Pour, zap, eat.
posted by a fiendish thingy at 9:54 AM on January 4, 2018 [1 favorite]

toast pita bread
slather on some hummus
plop a sliced up hard boiled egg on top
throw on some pickled cucumbers

posted by Julnyes at 10:51 AM on January 4, 2018

Bake sweet potatoes, cool, peel, freeze in individual portions.

I vary this by sometimes by premixing pumpkin pie spice and sweetener (if needed); or maybe just cinnamon, or crystalized ginger; whatever. Then zap in microwave for breakfast yum.
posted by mightshould at 1:27 PM on January 4, 2018

You don't have to stick to traditional breakfast things! Eggs, oatmeal, yogurt, bah... Leftovers are good. Ravioli, pizza, dolmas, baked potatoes, nachos, Trader Joe's burritos. What do you like at not-breakfast that's easy and quick?

How about a good smoothie? I used to do a cup of plain yogurt, a cup of orange juice(?) and a handful of frozen strawberries to make it cold. Bananas are good too especially if frozen. Add some protein powder and you're a rock star until lunch.

Your steak idea is fabulous.
posted by bendy at 10:30 PM on January 4, 2018

I too am a savory breakfast kinda gal, and I can't believe no-one has mentioned beans on toast! I'm talking the 'baked beans in tomato sauce' type, like Heinz. Here in the UK you can either buy little microwave pods that are already potioned, or if you can't get these it doesn't take much effort to whack half a can into a microwave tub or a small saucepan to heat. It's the best!

Pour them over toast and add pre-sliced cheese if you're feeling fancy. Some people butter their toast but I find it doesn't need it.

I also like sweet potato for breakfast (bake a big batch with dinner one night and reheat in microwave), marmite toast, fried egg on toast (invest in a mini 1-egg frying pan to make this super easy), overnight oats with salt, hummus sandwiches (toast bread, chuck in leftover dinner veggies), olive bread with butter. Mmm...
posted by iplaytheviol at 2:38 AM on January 5, 2018

Bread is fine as it is.

Instant miso soup involves emptying a sachet into a cup and pouring in boiling water. Tasty and healthy.

Chinese style dumplings can be microwaved from frozen in 2-3 minutes.

Leftover pasta microwaved then sprinkled with Parmesan cheese does not demand high cognitive function in my experience.
posted by the duck by the oboe at 4:39 AM on January 5, 2018

On the overnight oats tip, I do a lot of make-ahead. What I do is cook as big a pot of steel oats as I can (if I do it stove-top, that can be quite a lot, but nowadays I use a pressure cooker, which yields six servings), then ladle it into jelly jars, let it cool, and fridge it.

What happens as it cools is that the oats will soak up more liquid, and the whole thing will solidify. By the time it comes out of the jar, it's the consistency of canned dog food.

Yum! But what you've got there is an oatmeal concentrate. Heat it in the microwave, then thin it with milk. The result isn't quite as good as if you'd made a fresh pot of steel oats, but it's fuckin' light years beyond instant.

I use this pressure cooker method, and I've upped the amount to (by weight, it's easier) 272 grams of oats and 1020 grams of water. I also toast the oats in butter in the bottom as a first step, but that's skippable, it just makes it better. Add water, blast of kosher salt, low pressure for 11 minutes. Let the thing lose pressure naturally and cool for at least half an hour (should be pretty thick at this point), mix in cinnamon and brown sugar, cut it with milk until it's slightly loose consistency, then ladle into six jelly jars and fridge it.

Next morning, open a jar, schlorp the oatmass into a bowl, nuke it until it's hot, thin with milk, boom, breakfast. The setup really doesn't take that much effort, and I can do most of it while I'm cleaning the kitchen after dinner. The morning effort to heat it is of course nothing.

Also, you know those Fage yogurt containers that have the little side thing with fruit that you tump into the yogurt and stir up? I keep a bunch of those in my office fridge.
posted by middleclasstool at 5:57 AM on January 5, 2018

I always forget about grilled cheese, but that’s a super-easy thing that you can make ahead because it reheats easily. Add some tomato and avocado to make it healthier!
posted by rabbitrabbit at 3:43 PM on January 5, 2018

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