I care about what you think of me.
July 25, 2016 4:57 PM   Subscribe

I feel like I should have outgrown this. I know better. But why is it still there?

I want thousands of followers and friends on social media, I want a girlfriend who looks like a super model, I want my art to be recognized and known and famous, I want a group of friends who text me all of the time, I want to be from a rich and successful family, I want to be rich and be able to stay in rich hotels around the world, I want to be skinny and in good shape, I want to be part of an elite social circle, I want to be loved by everyone, I want to be able to buy a big house, I want to walk into a room and immediately have everyone like me and invite me out, I want to be friends with cool, good looking people who were never picked on and were popular in high school, I want to be better than everyone else

Why do I have all of these superficial goals at 30? Why do I feel like my loving girlfriend and supportive family isn't good enough? Why can't I enjoy what I have and not feel that I have to impress people? Apparently I care a lot about what people think. I put myself and I put everyone else down if they don't meet a certain incredibly superficial standard. It's a horrible quality about myself.

Of course, I know no one here can tell me why. Therapy can help me. But can anyone offer any insight? I don't know why I still feel like this?
posted by morning_television to Human Relations

This post was deleted for the following reason: Heya, I'm sorry this is frustrating for you, but it's in the same vein as other questions you've asked, and is basically yeah, more of a question for therapy than something folks here can tell you. -- LobsterMitten

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