Starting a new life. Los Angeles. $300.
July 15, 2016 10:17 AM   Subscribe

You arrive in Los Angeles with $300. You have clothes, identification and a smart phone. You have to start a new life from scratch, How do you begin?

So you've arrived in Los Angeles... your 29. you have $300 a bag, some clothes, identification, a smart phone. And you have to start life again from zero. How do you begin? ?And how are you going to do this whole thing? It's going too be tough and maybe you won't make it but you already knew that and have accepted it.

You do NOT have -

A car

A drivers license

A college education

Any contacts

A bank account

Any kind of prove of address

Anywhere to stay

You DO have -


Smart phone

Objectivity at all times

Acceptance of any events that take place


A sense freedom and relief



Sense of adventure

"Prove the world wrong" attitude

Vague goals -

Find a way to make enough money to live on

Get an education

Cultivate a healthy happy life
posted by frenchfryfrenzy to Human Relations (2 answers total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: Heya, it needs to be a lot clearer whether this is "I'm actually in this position and need some guidance ASAP" (in which case it needs a bit of a rewrite before it's going to work well as an Ask) or "here's a hypothetical, go!" in which case it's unworkable as chatfilter. -- cortex

Do you have deus ex machina, or is this a real situation?
posted by blnkfrnk at 10:20 AM on July 15, 2016

Considering you do not have food or shelter, try using Maslow's Pyramid as a guide. Start at the bottom and work your way up.
posted by griphus at 10:20 AM on July 15, 2016

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