WTF is motivating this behaviour?
August 25, 2015 9:40 PM   Subscribe

I was reading this particularly nasty news story today about a girl persistently (and successfully) goading her friend into committing suicide, (and subsequently being charged with manslaughter). After reading this exchange I'm really at a loss to understand what the motivation for her behaviour is or why she seemed to want him to kill himself SO BADLY. Does anyone else understand what was going on here?

Why is she so insistent that he kill himself RIGHT NOW? Why is she so adamant? What is she getting out of this? She sent out a few tweets about how she'll never understand why this had to happen etc after he passed away. Does anyone have any insight into what benefit she would get from him dying? Is this sociopathic behaviour or can it be chalked up to teenagers not really understanding the finality of death? (17 seems a little old for that though?) Does anyone have any insight into this?
posted by everydayanewday to Human Relations (1 answer total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: Sorry, but this is really something no one here can know, and basically more discussion fodder than a concrete problem to be solved (see chatfilter) -- taz

Power and control. It is at its max when the control is over another's life. Then there is the sweet sweet attention to her big loss.

Reminds me of Munchausens by proxy.
posted by bearwife at 9:45 PM on August 25, 2015

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