I am couple months pregnant, and we learned recently it is a boy.
November 10, 2014 8:18 PM

Should I be worried? Educated societies today are extremely anti-men. Feminists are effectively winning, and the media constantly portrays men as misogynists, rapists and everything bad. Men are constantly forced to be apologetic, women constantly over react over the slightest of issues and make everything about themselves. Under such circumstances, how good a future can I make for my son?

I have female friends who will not consider a photograph of an achievement truly commemorative of that achievement, unless it involves women (even if there were no women in the said achievement.) I have male friends who are forced to apologize for, well being male I guess.

I was reading a study the other day about how if a woman beats up a guy in a public place (I think it was a mall), all the onlookers cheered the woman. The other way around, the male was assumed to be the bad guy.

Everywhere around me, I see programs only for women. Women in Engineering. Women in this. Women in that. What does this mean for the future of men?

I am worried when my son and a less skilled woman approach a hiring manager for a job, the hiring manager will be forced to go with the woman in order to attain minimum required diversity rates.

Every page on metafilter has atleast a post or two about how some random behavior of a guy is assumed to be sexist, just because.

As a woman, I know I must raise my kid to be respectful of women obviously, but where's the point where he, you know, stops being a man and just becomes a slave of women? How do I draw the line?
posted by the_hard_truth to Society & Culture

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