What do you make of "promposals"?
April 22, 2014 7:54 PM   Subscribe

So, this is chat filtery, but I am sort of dying here. I think I saw an article in NYT or somewhere, and now things on Pinterest about "promposals," i.e. serious level of pomp and circumstance including balloons (sometimes hot air), serenading, getting down on one knee(?!) to ask someone to prom. I am not sure if I am horrified or if I am retroactively jealous that this never did and, if I came of age in the right decade, probably never would have happened to teenage me. Mostly I am intrigued about whether the teenage boy has morphed into a much more soupy and romantic version than the typical guy I remember from adolescence. Because why would a seventeen year old guy do this? Is cynicism dead? 1. How common is this? Are most teenage girls with a steady boyfriend prom-posed to? 2. Why do teenage guys do this? Is this crop just that much endearingly earnest than my generation? To get laid? Because it's expected? Because this generation is much more romantic than mine across the board? I have a little trouble wrapping my head around it because it's hard to imagine 99% of guys from my high school class having done something like this and I get the feeling that it's typical-ish of today's generation. What changed?
posted by mermily to Human Relations

This post was deleted for the following reason: Hey there, you've got some answerable questions here wrapped up in chatfilter - if you'd like to quickly rewrite, hit me up at the contact form in the next hour or so. -- LobsterMitten

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