Why does Metafilter require that new users don't post for a week?
April 7, 2014 3:05 PM   Subscribe

Is it a form of initiation or just to prevent people from being rude? Both?

I'm reading an old ethnography right now (Radcliffe-Brown's The Andaman Islanders), and he was talking about initiation ceremonies, and about how new initiates were left out of social events (like dancing) as well as being prohibited from eating the most prized foods. It reminded me of the many times in which individuals are prohibited from taking part in something - or forced to endure some costs - before joining a community, and it reminded me of this site. I was therefore wondering, why are new users prohibited from positing for a whole week? I first thought it was to prevent trolling and rudeness, but I'm not sure. Though the trolling and rudeness thing definitely makes sense...
posted by mrmanvir to Society & Culture

This post was deleted for the following reason: hey there -- this needs to go to MetaTalk -- jessamyn

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