Doodling on Holy books: Is it offensive and should we care?
March 8, 2014 10:59 AM
Is Doodling over printed pages of Holy books like the Bible or Qur'an offensive? Should it be? Is this different from a Palimpsest? def: A manuscript or piece of writing material on which the original writing has been scraped away to make room for later writing but of which traces remain?
Should we care if people are offended? Should we only care about the groups that cut off peoples heads when they get offended? Is this different than Churches like the stunning Hagia Sofia In Istanbul going back and forth between a mosque and a basilica over the Centuries?
This post was deleted for the following reason: Hey there, sorry, this is chatfilter; AskMetafilter does not allow open-ended discussion questions like this. -- LobsterMitten
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