Don't Buy Meat From Walmart, Please! Animals Can Feel Pain.
October 31, 2013 6:31 PM   Subscribe

I'm a vegetarian animal lover. I'm crushed by the insane, evil, heartless animal cruelty evidenced in this video. Warning, disturbing, but please do watch: What can I do to spread the message that people should STOP BUYING MEAT from Walmart? How can I promote vegetarianism, at least on a part-time basis? How can I help this situation?

I'm a vegetarian animal lover. I'm crushed by the insane, evil, heartless animal cruelty evidenced in this video. Warning, disturbing:

It's not just Walmart that's to blame, as many if not most of the huge corporations have abhorrent practices dealing with animals. I'm in disbelief at how these jerks in the video could throw these piglets to the ground, rip off their genitals, kick and beat this animals while swearing at them--and this is just at one facility. According to Mercy For Animals, this kind of abuse is widespread. I can't believe the cruelty in these billion dollar corporations.

To me, it seems super obvious that animals have flesh, blood, bones just like us and feel pain. But many others seem to not have that same connection with animals. How can I help people understand, that just because animals can't communicate with us through speech, they can indeed feel pain? That they are meant for more than just being hunted and eaten?

What can I do to help this situation and other situations like these? I'm vegetarian. I buy cruelty-free products. I make YouTube videos with a small, but growing and loyal audience. I am a volunteer reporter for my campus radio station. I'm a Marketing student and planning on pursuing my Master's in Broadcast Journalism--I want to use my credentials and interests for good.

I'm crushed. I've been crying all evening. I feel so sad for humanity, that we're that meat-obsessed, that we're that selfish and blind and in denial. What can I do to feel better and how can I help improve this situation?

And guys...please don't buy your meat from Walmart. It's soul-crushing knowing what happens to these poor animals, but continuing to buy from them after knowing what is going on ...that would just be soulless. Inhumane.
posted by rhythm_queen to Society & Culture

This post was deleted for the following reason: If you want to ask this without the video and the drama, it could maybe be reposted, but as-is isn't a good fit for Ask MeFi. -- mathowie

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