What is this mushroom?
June 24, 2013 4:37 AM

We have a mushroom growing in the ladies' toilets at work. My abilities to identify it have failed.

It's yellow/brown. It doesn't appear to have a stem, just a giant cap has a tendency to curl in on itself.

I'm in the East Midlands, UK, but we're in an industrial area with very little actual vegetation around. Along with this one growing out between the skirting board and wall, there was one growing between the skirting board and floor, and a few growing outside where the wall met the concrete.

There doesn't appear to be an obvious leak in the inflow pipe (which the mushroom is growing behind), so it's more likely that when we had some plumbing work done, including tearing up part of the outside concrete to get at a pipe, they broke through the damp course instead.

This is a slightly run-down 60s's warehouse. I'm surprised we don't have more things like this.

And, yes, I have informed my manager. But I'd love to know what type of mushroom it is.
posted by Katemonkey to Science & Nature (4 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
It looks like an Elf Cup to me. A house I rented once had them growing in the carpet of a cupboard where water had leaked from a dodgy pipe.

Last picture on this page
posted by pipeski at 4:48 AM on June 24, 2013

You could post it on reddit's /r/mycology subreddit. Sometimes they are kinda mean but YMMV. It is surprisingly common to find mushrooms indoors - damp bathrooms, houseplants, etc.
posted by polly_dactyl at 7:48 AM on June 24, 2013

Whenever someone starts with "This mushroom is growing in our bathroom/carpet/basement..." I know it's probably going to be a Peziza Domiciliana

Which appears to be what you've got. They vary in appearance, but they're brown-yellow, cup fungi, and they tend to be a bit rubbery or brittle.

It's not dangerous or anything--it's just a mushroom that grows in damp places in your house.
posted by RedEmma at 8:13 AM on June 24, 2013

Yep - rubber cup. For heaven's sake, they need to do something about the bathrooms!
posted by aryma at 9:06 PM on June 24, 2013

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