What will be the next paradigm to fall?
March 19, 2013 2:08 PM

What do we think we know with an almost overwhelming conformity, that is actually completely wrong, or at least is an open question?  One example of this is the idea that a low fat diet helps people lose weight; even articles where this is not the theory being tested seems to mention that "this is counter to the usual theory."  I think this is a result of some problem with peer review as well as demonstrating how difficult it is to change your mind, or make a paradigm shift. 

Some of this might be suggested by unexplainable data that just gets swept aside. Or by data that just doesn't correlate. Or areas of study that are just not examined.

The study that recently showed Americans having the worst health of any industrial country, except that our cholesterol was low. Or the the effects of LSD or MDMA on helping PTSD, which had a research gap of about 30 years. Or evidence of of artifacts showing up in times and places that just don't make sense.

Related to this is the common wisdom about how things are done. For example, I thought I was a good swimmer, but it turns out that there have been huge leaps in technique and the book Total Immersion swimming taught me more than a swim coach in about fifty pages. 

The danger of this search is that wing nut theories might wind up dominating my mental landscape briefly, but its a chance I'll have to take. 

Books, videos, and journal article recommendations are requested.
posted by mearls to Science & Nature (1 answer total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: This is kind of vague and chatty as stated. -- cortex

In the education world, the new and shiny gets a lot of attention (think phonics versus whole language).

My school district spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on brain training programs. Instead of specifically teaching reading and writing skills, teachers went to professional development and the administration spent a fortune to instead teach kids "how to think."

I won't name specific programs that our system purchased, but recent studies now indicate that these brain training programs have absolutely no effect on cognitive functioning.
posted by kinetic at 2:17 PM on March 19, 2013

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