Best Southern California Weird Honeymoon Destinations?
August 19, 2012 4:09 PM   Subscribe

What are the most creative and cool honey moon ideas for southern california?

We are a "hipster" couple in our mid 30s and need to plan a week long honeymoon happening in a week. Our transportation is a motocycle and we would love to find a place along the PCH hours away from LA. Here are the ideas we've thrown around but it has been HARD to nail one down on the internet for some reason! please help. It's happening during the week so not too hard to book!

Trip we've LOVED in the past:

- Hearst Castle
- Madonna Inn
- Winchester House

Ideas we have thrown around:

- Ghost towns
- Visiting any historial places LIKE Hearst
- weird hotels
- Beach cabin / house (70s / 60s modern a plus!)
- Horseback riding (where I can canter)

Where did you go for your weird honeymoon?
posted by JJkiss to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (13 answers total) 6 users marked this as a favorite
A bike trip through the wine country around Santa Barbara?

Palm Springs?

Not sure if these are hipster enough for you, but I'm a creative bohemian type lady in Brooklyn and these are the two SoCal trips on my bucket list.
posted by Sara C. at 4:21 PM on August 19, 2012

Catalina Island. You've hit my favorite spots in So Cal.

I recommend Chaminade Resort in Santa Cruz if you're game. Visit the boardwalk, also buy hemp clothes.

Duartes in Pescadero.

Castroville. For artichokes.

Capitola. If you go from US 1 to 101 via road 84, you can see the actual Hidden Valley Ranch. It's a bit south of Hearst Castle. BTW, this was our honeymoon. only we did it in a Lincoln. Awesome.
posted by Ruthless Bunny at 4:38 PM on August 19, 2012

A desert road trip through the Mojave and Death Valley, maybe? There's a ghost town, airplane graveyard, resort oasis, saloon, ghosts and assorted weirdness, a random tunnel, moving rocks, The Integratron, and Zzyzx.
posted by euphorb at 4:42 PM on August 19, 2012 [1 favorite]

Catalina is pretty great, they have the best mini golf course ever. Plus, if you get bored you can go to LA, Dana Point/Laguna Beach on the ferry for a cheap day trip.
posted by Garm at 4:52 PM on August 19, 2012

How about a living ghost town? Downtown Guadalupe (self-link) is essentially closing up shop due to state-mandated retrofitting that nobody wants to pay for, but for the next few months you can still share a steak at the Far Western Tavern. The sand dunes and silent movie relics are a bonus.
posted by Scram at 5:53 PM on August 19, 2012

If you're willing to stow the motorcycle for a day, how about a Bikes & Hikes tour? (I've linked to the sailing one because I think sailing is awesome. But they have others.)
posted by mykescipark at 6:15 PM on August 19, 2012

Glamping / Luxury tent camping at El Capitan Canyon?
posted by 26.2 at 6:38 PM on August 19, 2012

What about /Jalama Beach Or Big Sur?
posted by Gusaroo at 7:11 PM on August 19, 2012

I recently did some research for a 10 year anniversary trip my husband and I were planning. These are all hotels I thought looked pretty awesome.

Big Sur
Deetjen's Big Sur Inn

Lucia Lodge

Yurt, Yurt, Yurt, Yurt

Ragged Point Inn $199-$500 a night, there's a room with a view for $239

Morro Bay Area, where there is a state park

I booked this hotel for a client once and have dreamed of it from that day forward.
Hotel del Coronado $299 a night, might be able to find a deal
posted by fyrebelley at 8:59 PM on August 19, 2012

Solvang is a charming little Danish town near Santa Ynez and just right for a long weekend. It looks like their celebrating their centennial this year, so there should be plenty of local events if you are so inclined. Dang, now I wish I was planning a trip there! Oh, and congratulations!
posted by platinum at 11:02 PM on August 19, 2012

Not along the coast, but... Hicksville Trailer Palace, and nearby attractions in and around Joshua Tree.
posted by illenion at 11:51 PM on August 19, 2012

Having just been to both the Hotel Coronado and Solvang (both for weddings) in the last two months, I can say that although the Coronado is a beautiful old hotel in some parts, it was very crowded and very noisy, and they've closed the beautiful Crown Room for all but Sinday Brunch. Also, the grand old bar in the lobby is now a shop. In fact, shops have taken over the lower floor entirely. I found it sad, as I remember going there many years ago and it was charming.

Solvang was nice for about a day. It too is over-loved with large tour buses and junky shops. The surrounding area of Los Olivos and Santa Ynez is nicer, but the wine industry is slowly engulfing everything. I like wine, but am not in favor of so very many acres in both Southern and Northern CA being in grapes. Many fruit and nut orchards have been ripped out. Just my 2 cents worth.
posted by Gusaroo at 12:02 AM on August 20, 2012

Oh, and also not on the coast but the ghost town of Bodie on the east side of the Sierras is really cool.

Also seconding Joshua Tree.
posted by Gusaroo at 12:05 AM on August 20, 2012

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