Big Shoulders Rally to Restore Sanity...Does this sign make my butt look fat?
October 29, 2010 10:00 AM

Best practices for Restore Sanity rally attending in Chicago?

Some of us are headed to the Chicago satellite of the Restore Sanity rally tomorrow. A few are commuting in from the 'burbs, while the rest of us will take the El downtown.

I've only been to one rally a LONG time ago, didn't make a sign, and it was warm weather. This is colder weather, we'd like to make signs (how? out of what? Pro tips?) and, like Jon himself, we have to make it back home relatively efficiently after the rally because we have kids. What experienced advice do you have to share, please?
posted by jeanmari to Society & Culture (1 answer total)
Speaking as someone who has carried posters and banners in Chicago (albeit in a non-rally fashion), you want to keep them as aerodynamic as possible, lest you be carried off into the lake on a heavy gust of wind. Consider cutting wind slits in whatever you make and not using paper. I suggest painting your message on a large strip of fabric (old bed sheet?) staple-gunned to some sturdy dowel rods. You can roll it up on itself like a scroll for easy transport. Large ones can be held by you and a friend, and small ones can be held by one person with two hands.
posted by phunniemee at 10:09 AM on October 29, 2010

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