How you feel about plans B, C and D
October 12, 2009 1:24 PM   Subscribe

Please tell me your experience with looking back on decisions, e.g. turning down an opportunity on the assumption that another one would come along, short- or long-term; or accepting an opportunity and hearing about the alternatives later. How did it work out?

I would like to know your experience, both in the short and long run, in turning down an opportunity on the assumption that another one would come along. Did it? Was it better? Were you glad that you waited? Would you change your decision?

I'm also curious to know about instances in which you did take an opportunity and later found out that there would have been other options -- were you happy? relieved? regretful?

This can be in the context of relationships, jobs, turning onto a street, whatever.
posted by ramenopres to Religion & Philosophy (3 answers total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: chatfilter - if there isn't a problem you are trying to solve this is not an okay question for AskMe. -- jessamyn

The reason for making decisions is that both choices offer some advantage or potential advantage that the other doesn't. Therefore, by choosing one, you forever negate the possibility of experiencing the advantages of the other. I call it the Law of Universal Regret.
posted by Faint of Butt at 1:32 PM on October 12, 2009

Dilemmas like these are the bread and butter of life. I try to look forward as much as possible, and that keeps me sane and happy.
posted by sunshinesky at 1:33 PM on October 12, 2009

(This sounds a bit chatfiltery to be honest. Is there a particular reason you want to know? Are you worried about a specific decision you're trying to make?) I have always found that these things always work out one way or another. I have missed some opportunities that I sorely regretted, but such misses made me wiser when others came along. Make the best of every situation. If you miss one thing, you'll find another. Maybe not even what you expected.
posted by katillathehun at 1:42 PM on October 12, 2009

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