Questions in the Human Relations category.
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May 17

Crtl+Z in life after making it weird

I stated my boundaries. My sister is respecting them by not talking to me. My questions: what were my missteps, what are your insights, what do you recommend I do? This is a LONG one. For anyone who wants to pour themselves a cuppa, I'm about to pour my heart out and I would love any support sorting this out. [more inside]
posted by shocks connery at 8:43 AM - 48 answers

Improving personal presentation?

What are some options (resources, classes, activities, coaches?) for developing a more polished, confident demeanor and body language in day-to-day interactions? [more inside]
posted by Sockinian at 7:03 AM - 15 answers

May 15

My estranged mom died, emotional and logistical questions

How can I find out more about my mother’s death? She died recently and there isn’t any googleable information (eg, an obituary). I am aware that a will was filed by my sibling, with whom I have no contact. Can I find out more about her death and will? Have you experienced the death of an estranged close family member and are able to share your emotional experience? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 5:02 AM - 15 answers

May 12

Maintaining composure in face of an extremely beautiful person.

I lose my voice when anxious but just had an experience of losing it when overtaken by awe. Quick summary: I went to a singing recital of a graduating student because they were singing songs celebrating my ethnicity (in language my grandmother spoke). The performance was amazing and very meaningful to me (lots of crying). It was a small recital room and I did briefly notice the singer was attractive, but didn't obsess about it. Then... [more inside]
posted by Jon44 at 7:41 PM - 15 answers

May 11

What's a good way to gift travel funds?

I have a younger step-sibling who has expressed interest in travel this year, and I want to support that as part of my birthday gift to them. There are no specific plans yet, and they life far away from me, so I wasn't sure how to best do this. Does anyone have good ideas for how to gift funds for travel? [more inside]
posted by JZig at 9:19 PM - 8 answers

Resources or support for lifelong monogamist without partner

I'm reaching out to find support and possibly connect with others who identify with lifelong monogamy after their relationship has ended. I was deeply committed to my first and only partner for 20 years, and despite their departure and another two decades passing, I cannot envision forming a similar bond with someone else. I am not seeking advice to change this aspect of myself but hope to find resources and understanding for this kind of emotional and romantic orientation. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 7:44 PM - 20 answers

How as an Old, accept that your parents didn't love you

This is hard to type, anonymous for obvious reasons. I'm almost 60. Both of my parents are finally dead ... my mom for 7 years (Alzheimer's) and my dad a few months ago at 90. My dad walked out the first time when I was 6 months and the last time when I was 12 ... he had some charm but truly never gave one single fuck about anyone except himself and didn't ever support. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 12:29 AM - 37 answers

May 10

How to get an overzealous neighbour to chill out?

I've recently become friends with a neighbour, but she wants to see me and talk to me waaaaaay more than I want to see and talk to her. How to get her to cool her jets without making her feel bad? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 11:10 AM - 17 answers

May 4

ENM and the flow of information

This is just a request for perspectives to broaden my own and I realize there's not objective answer but here goes. I'm in a relationship that is ethically non-monogamous, though not poly. This is as it should be, for me, except there's kind of a bump in the road... [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 10:03 AM - 15 answers

Moving closer to family for childrearing

Hi Mefites, Last year I posted a question regarding raising our kid in two locations and you all were very helpful. With another year of parenting under our belt, and with pretty robust attempts to get closer to some other families in our immediate area without much success, I am now leaning towards just moving closer to family. [more inside]
posted by Sophiaverde at 6:42 AM - 17 answers

Work relationships: this isn't just about a parking space, is it?

A colleague keeps taking my parking space despite several discussions over it, with me politely asking her not to and offering a solution. Now it feels personal and like she is trying to send a message. Should I ask if we need to clear the air or let it go? It's just a parking space, right? [more inside]
posted by Blissful at 3:46 AM - 50 answers

April 29

Mourning(?) one who contained multitudes

My father recently died very unexpectedly. He was, by all accounts, a devoted, loving, and supportive father and husband -- to his young second family. I am a member of his first family, all of whom were in varying states of near-estrangement stemming from his being alternatively absent and terrifying during my childhood and emotionally manipulative in the decades since whenever we tried to reconnect. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 3:06 AM - 19 answers

April 27

How do I let go without turning negative & internalizing

Hi I’m new to this and made an account after seeing posts about breakups but they couldn’t answer my question. The story is, my boyfriend and I broke up months ago after being together for several years. We’ve been through a lot. However, while we were dating, resentment grew and we argued a lot until we eventually grew apart. There was a lot of blaming. [more inside]
posted by bosqueencantado24 at 6:16 PM - 10 answers

April 26

Weird dynamic I always find myself in. How to stop?

I’m working as part of a group, or have been asked to help a group of people with something. Everyone else seems to know what to do and springs into action. I’m not sure, so I ask someone how I can help, and people seem annoyed that I’m asking and tell me that my help isn’t needed. Then, the authority figure who assigned the work stops by and gets mad at me for slacking. [more inside]
posted by wheatlets at 9:19 AM - 25 answers

How to navigate extreme moral disagreement in marriage

I fell in love with my husband in part because we shared anti-war values. It’s a topic that comes up often, especially given that he comes from an immigrant Israeli family (atheists, critical of Israel’s treatment of Palestinians). I am heartbroken and outraged by the Gaza war, he supports it. I’ve tried to manage this by avoiding the topic with him, but as time grinds on, I feel more and more confused as to who he is. Contempt and disgust are creeping in, and it is terrifying. What can I do? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 5:09 AM - 38 answers

April 25

Help with vision insurance (UHC) — miscommunication.

I got my vision test from a provider who was explicitly listed on my vision insurance (United HealthCare), but who denied the service. I called UHC and spoke with an agent, who called the provider, who said they did not accept UHC. The agent was mystified and told me to go ahead and pay $99 out of pocket, and they would reimburse me $99 as the provider was considered in-network. [more inside]
posted by dubious_dude at 2:21 PM - 8 answers

Experiences building a family without your primary partner?

Do you have experiences that you would care to share of creating a family where your romantic partner (or at least your primary partner) was not a co-parent, or at least not a major one? My partner and I disagree on the kids question, but we're curious about other models than the nuclear families we grew up in. Lots of details beyond the jump. [more inside]
posted by nightcoast at 2:39 AM - 14 answers

April 22

Advice Needed: Child's Friend May Be Facing Eviction

My son has a classmate who may be facing eviction. He is in kindergarten. I would like to help. But if I'm wrong, still have the gesture be a nice thing that was done randomly. What would you do? [more inside]
posted by ichimunki at 5:31 PM - 11 answers

Token grad gift for household employee?

Our (very part time) family assistant is graduating from college next month. While she's worked for us for ~1.5 years, we didn't know her very well on a personal level. Normally cash would be the natural solution, but that feels weird when we already pay her directly. Other ideas? [more inside]
posted by matildatakesovertheworld at 1:36 PM - 11 answers

April 21

Tips for introvert children successfully leading a parent’s memorial

Our mother passed away and we are putting together a casual memorial in a local arboretum. We want it to be as successful (people sharing memories) as possible, but we children are all introverts and feel like we don't know how best to do/encourage that. Help. [more inside]
posted by blueberry at 3:48 PM - 12 answers

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