Recommendations requested: films about Vietnam for children
February 24, 2023 4:15 PM   Subscribe

We are making a 10 day trip to Ho Chi Minh City and surrounds, and my daughter and I would like to watch a movie/tv show that might help us understand a bit about Vietnamese culture/history/architecture.....whatever.

The tricky part here is that my daughter is 9 so we are finding it a bit difficult to find things suitable. We are coming from Australia. Any suggestions?
posted by jojobobo to Education (6 answers total) 4 users marked this as a favorite
Maybe Maika, Girl from Another Galaxy?

I saw a documentary about the singer Thao Nguyen going to Vietnam with her mom that might be appropriate? It’s called Nobody Dies. I don’t know how you can watch it though. (I saw it on PBS.)
posted by vunder at 5:42 PM on February 24, 2023

I guess it's been close to 30 years since I saw it, but I'm betting that The Scent of Green Papaya has held up well. I don't remember it well enough, though, to have an opinion on whether it would be suitable for a nine-year-old. Beautiful film with many scenes of everyday life.
posted by bricoleur at 5:44 PM on February 24, 2023

You should be able to access Families of the World: Vietnam through Vimeo, only $10. Here is an excerpt from it.

We were able to watch it on DVD from our local library, across the ocean from you, and you might be able to access it through your local library.
posted by ivan ivanych samovar at 7:09 PM on February 24, 2023

Netlfix's Street Food Asia has an episode on food vendors in HCMC and focuses on one vendor who specializes in snail dishes.

street food is a huge deal there and this episode might provide some encouragement for a kid to try some local dishes they might not otherwise.
posted by buttermilkmeeks at 3:31 AM on February 25, 2023 [1 favorite]

I don’t have any video suggestions, but I have traveled to Vietnam with a 9 year old. Send a PM if you want to chat.
posted by gnutron at 5:21 AM on February 25, 2023

This is not a movie but it might be helpful.

I just watched an episode of Somebody Feed Phil on Netflix that was all about the food and culture in Ho Chi Minh City. It was beautiful, fun and would be great for a 9 year old. I think it's in the first season of the series. Some of Phil's philosophizing might not connect with your daughter but the food and scenery really made me want to go there and I hope it will be inspiring for you too.
posted by Kangaroo at 3:14 PM on February 25, 2023

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