Questions in the Education category.
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May 18

What should we spy with our magnified eye?

At a small library, we are setting up a little table with a magnifying glass or two and cool stuff for kids to look at. What should this cool stuff be? We have a science kit with 'bugs' in clear cubes. We will get some shells too. What else should we get? Best answers will be free, toddler safe, and interesting for all ages. thanks.
posted by calgirl at 3:26 PM - 11 answers

May 17

Looking for a game to teach about inflation to 10th graders

I'm teaching a unit on inflation to my high school students, and I'd like to find (ideally) or make (less ideal) a game based on teaching the basics of inflation. [more inside]
posted by Ghidorah at 4:54 PM - 4 answers

May 15

Current Literature on Charter Schools

What are folks' takes on recent (maybe last 3-4 years) studies, essays, and other interventions about the marginal efficacy of charter schools vs traditional public schools, and about the long-term benefits and risks of school districts encouraging charter schools while maintaining traditional public schools? [more inside]
posted by Scarf Joint at 10:27 AM - 9 answers

May 11

Help Me Randomly Divide A Group

I am leading an in-person group where we will discuss a band. I want to get the group excited about the discussion by having them vote on their favorite band member using a poll. How can I then use the poll to evenly divide the group into subgroups, not based on their answer, but randomly? [more inside]
posted by cursed at 12:47 PM - 7 answers

May 7

Time management and studying tools for college part two!

Hello, I am going back to school for a second bachelor's online. I'm looking for your best tools for time management and studying. [more inside]
posted by karasu at 4:54 AM - 11 answers

April 29

Bilingual baby from a distance?

I have a spouse who speaks Spanish natively, and I can speak Spanish at an advanced-ish conversational level. We have a new nibling on another continent, who we will see maybe a few weeks every year. We have Skype. Nibling's parents would be thrilled if nibling could grow up even a little bilingual, or even just with a head start on learning the language. Is there any scenario in which we can contribute to nibling's language learning, or is this just misión imposible?
posted by nanny's striped stocking at 12:13 PM - 7 answers

April 28

Library career prospects with lots of experience but no degree

Librarians of Mefi, your attention please: what would you think of a resume that has ~10 years of public library reference desk experience, but no MLS? [more inside]
posted by The demon that lives in the air at 1:37 PM - 6 answers

April 24

What factors go into admission for a visiting year?

You are in admissions, or know people in admissions at a graduate or especially law school. What factors, including internal, have caused you or others to admit or deny an applicant for a visiting/transient year? [more inside]
posted by corb at 1:31 PM - 1 answers

April 12

Stories from the Cold War

Having attended high school in the early eighties in the United States, I am now curious: what were Americans told about the Soviet empire during the height of the cold war that we all assumed was true but was, in fact, intentional propaganda?
posted by mecran01 at 6:06 AM - 31 answers

April 3

Can someone tell me how to do a college campus tour?

Immigrant parent problems: I haven't the first clue how or what to expect or what to do, whom to contact, what to look for, etc. but I need to start taking my teenager to see some colleges. [more inside]
posted by MiraK at 5:49 PM - 44 answers

March 26

Help me enrich a US Middle School library's Spanish-language collection

One of my friends is a middle school principal in a very conservative district. I have been sending him lots of progressive and LGBTQ+ Young Adult books and graphic novels for the school library, and he is thrilled to report that those titles are almost constantly checked out! I'm looking for more. [more inside]
posted by xedrik at 12:21 PM - 8 answers

March 24

Gamified SAT Words

Tween Proust loves to practice her Spanish with Duolingo. The app's gamification strategies work very well for her, getting her to play for 10-20 minutes per day. Is there a similar app she could use for expanding her English vocabulary? [more inside]
posted by Winnie the Proust at 10:28 AM - 3 answers

March 23

Suggest a good gap year for a STEM kid?

As question says: can you think of a smart, imaginative idea for a new high school grad who’s interested in pharma research? She has excellent academic credentials but (imo) did not get good advice from her guidance counselor as to where to apply, and did not get max relevance/use from previous summers.
posted by mmiddle at 3:29 PM - 18 answers

March 22

Digital piano for beginners

I'm looking for a digital piano for beginners. I'm not looking for the highest quality piano possible - more of a starter instrument for a kindergartener to use for a few years to determine whether or not they have a long term interest, at which point I'm ok with spending thousands. [more inside]
posted by cacao at 7:16 AM - 12 answers

March 17

dispute with psychotherapy training providier

For context, I am in the UK. I have been training to qualify as psychotherapist since 2019. I am now in my last year of training, having already qualified as psychotherapeutic councillor. I am also the primary carer of my spouse who has severe disability that impacts their mobility and unfortunately causes sudden arm and knee dislocation. As my spouse's condition worsened this year, I asked for a permission to attend some teaching sessions online (I am close to finishing the training) and the training organisation granted me this accommodation. [more inside]
posted by slimeline at 5:54 AM - 4 answers

March 5

Seeking recommendations for an all-girls therapy-based boarding school

I am looking for recommendations (preferably with first hand knowledge) for a therapy-based boarding school for troubled teens. For more details, please see [more inside]
posted by Osrinith at 5:14 PM - 8 answers

March 1

What does getting a Master's Degree look like?

I'm finishing up my Bachelor of Arts degree in Anthropology this summer. YAY! It only took me 30 years. I'm throwing around the idea of continuing to get my Master's degree, but I don't even know what that looks like. Is it just taking more classes? Is it project-based? I guess each program varies, but in general, what does a Master's degree entail?
posted by Sassyfras at 10:16 AM - 14 answers

February 27

Looking for one-on-one french classes

I need to up my Quebec french, I'm hoping that maybe some online one-on-one will help get me over the hump to speaking. Any recommendations? [more inside]
posted by platypus of the universe at 4:37 PM - 3 answers

February 26

Graphic Novels for Teens?

It looks like I'm in the position where I can get my school's library to order a whole bunch of graphic novels for teens and near-native language learners. I have a smattering of ideas (Sandman, Nimona, Persepolis, Lumberjanes), and we have Maus, but not much else. I'd like to get a solid assortment of graphic novels for various reading levels and interests, fiction and non-fiction. [more inside]
posted by Ghidorah at 10:56 PM - 32 answers

Tell me about writing and selling curricula

I need information for someone who is an unusually positioned expert in a topic. They are curious about creating a curriculum and possibly selling it. Where can I find information about how to do this? [more inside]
posted by bq at 9:47 PM - 6 answers

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