Please help me transfer my itunes library to my ipod
April 26, 2015 12:59 PM   Subscribe

My old laptop died, and I purchased a new laptop. I was able to recover the purchased songs from my itunes account, and they show up on my new laptop in my itunes library. However, my ipod won't load songs from my itunes library. It will only load the songs I have imported by cd, not the purchases from itunes. Can you help me?

Okay, I've googled it and looked through apple support forums, and I just need someone to explain it to me like I'm five.

My old laptop died, and I purchased a new laptop. I was able to recover the purchased songs from my itunes account, and they show up on my new laptop in my itunes library. I have authorized my new computer and deauthorized my old one.

However, my ipod won't load songs from my itunes library. It will only load the songs I have imported by cd, not the purchases from itunes.

I have a lenovo windows 8 laptop, and a 4th generation ipod nano 8 gb. Can you walk me through it step by step to get my itunes library onto my ipod?

Thanks for your help!
posted by shortyJBot to Technology (4 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
In iTunes, are you logged into the same account as was used to purchase the songs?

How exactly are you trying to load songs from itunes? Can you e.g. drag and drop a song or playlist onto the ipod from within iTunes?
posted by epo at 1:39 PM on April 26, 2015

1. Double check not only that you're signed in to your account, but that you've authorized that computer. You want to see the "you have authorized 2 out of your available 5 computers" popup warning and everything. These are both on the drop down store menu at the top which lets you sign in.

2. Restore the iPod, then sync from scratch.

If it doesn't work after that I'll be shocked.
posted by emptythought at 2:47 PM on April 26, 2015

Response by poster: Thanks for the answers so far. I am logged in to the same account, and I did try to drag and drop, but I get the circle with the line through it with that method.

I did restore the ipod, and synced it to my new laptop, but even with checking "sync all music," the only ones that come up are the cds I imported to my new laptop, none of my itunes purchases. If I request to sync only checked music, the purchases in my library don't come up as options--only the cd imports.

Could this be an itunes in the cloud issue? What would happen if I purchased a new ipod?

Thanks again, guys!
posted by shortyJBot at 3:51 PM on April 26, 2015

Response by poster: Ok, if anyone is watching this for a solution: I think I just needed to click the little cloud picture to actually download the songs to my library. I did that, and the songs now come up as a playlist from my library. I had to click on each individual song/album, but it worked!
posted by shortyJBot at 7:22 AM on April 28, 2015

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