My Volunteer Gig has Confounded me!
February 2, 2015 9:36 AM   Subscribe

I am in a financial position as a volunteer for a group, and I cannot figure out how to do a couple parts of my job. One of them is super important (collecting dues) and time sensitive, but I can't start doing it until I figure out two things: PayPal, and Yahoo Sites.

First: Paypal completely confounds me. I have full access to our current set up, which includes an ability to pay dues on the website. However I can't seem to get rid of an old email address. The gentleman in my position a couple of years back keeps getting emails about the PayPal account, and I can't get him off of the account! I've gone in and removed every instance of his email I can find, but it still goes to him. Sadly, I know so little about Paypal that I don't even know where to start anymore. I would be just as happy deleting this "account" and starting a new one, but I'm not sure how to put that on our website. I am not wedded to PayPal either, but I need to get it up and running in short order or else

Second: The website. Our website is run through Yahoo Small Business sites. I can get into it, and I can see that I need to edit it via HTML? Is there no "dummy" version of Yahoo Small Business sites? If there isn't a "dummy" version, how do I edit the website to make it look like I want it to, without learning HTML. Can I make documents on Word and Import them? We have an event coming up in a month, and I need to put the advertisement for it on the site, and no idea how to do that. And how do I add information about the PayPal (or alternative) so I can collect the dues.

I appreciate any help you can give me, because I am really lost, and my googling has not turned up anything helpful.
posted by China Grover to Computers & Internet (5 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
To the first problem Paypal can probably help you with that. To the second I have no experience.
posted by cjorgensen at 10:01 AM on February 2, 2015

Is there a tool labeled "Sitebuilder" in the Yahoo account? Here's what you should be looking for. It looks like they have a template-based WYSIWYG editor so that you don't have to learn HTML to build a site.
However, it's possible that the site wasn't built with that; maybe someone built it as flat files or using another content management system like Wordpress. In those cases, respectively, you'd need to edit the HTML (or use Dreamweaver or another tool to edit them), or edit them through the Wordpress (or other CMS) interface.

If you're totally lost here, you may want to contact Yahoo support, and/or the last person who had the position, if that's possible.
posted by chesty_a_arthur at 10:07 AM on February 2, 2015

It's easy to set up a new account, and Paypal has a simple button-creating feature once the new account is made. You select a few characteristics of how you want the button to look, and it spits out the code. You do have to copy and paste the code into your website - but in this case you can just find the code for the current Paypal button and replace it with your new code, so it won't require knowing HTML.

People can also send in their dues just by knowing the new email to send the payment to after logging in to their Paypal account, rather than using the button.
posted by treehorn+bunny at 10:28 AM on February 2, 2015

Setting up a new PayPal account for a non-profit requires some paperwork. (says she who is in the middle of setting one up). So don't be surprised when you need to give them things like bank account, routing number, proof of being a non-profit, etc.
posted by sciencegeek at 12:23 PM on February 2, 2015 [1 favorite]

The sympton of "I have removed every email address" and still someone is getting it, in an organization, sounds slightly to me like you have an incoming email address that is actually a multiple-forward. So you have maybe "" and someone set that up to reflect any email toward multiple recipients. I may be wrong but that's what that sounds like.

As to Yahoo Small Business Sites, I don't have anything to offer but it is learnable, though a bit painful to use. Depending on the complexity of the site (read: url structure and how many pages) you may want to look at the costs and benefits associated with some other "managed" solutions like wix or squarespace. Any website migration comes with a certain amount of pain, so this is to be taken with an understanding it will cause a certain amount of pain.
posted by artlung at 2:03 PM on February 2, 2015

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