New B2C ecommerce platform
June 15, 2012 7:27 AM   Subscribe

New B2C ecommerce platform - Magento or Open Cart??

I'm running a B2C Canadian online computer business and using a proprietary platform which giving me lots of problems in the past 18 months. We have over 10,000 product items on our site with average 5,000 visitors per day. Existing platform cannot handle the volume fast enough. There are no SEO tools such as 301 re-direction on existing solution.

Want to get onto a serious new ecommerce platform. I was told that Magento and Open Cart are good choices?? Any suggestions?? Please advise.
posted by asye288 to Computers & Internet (3 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
You can't self-link, but I took a look at the link while it was still there. You should just use something like Shopify or Volusion. You will have some annoying admin tasks to do if you want to make either of those systems perform. Expect to use a lot of Varnish and multiple installs, or at least run them on a big expensive server.
posted by michaelh at 7:50 AM on June 15, 2012

Those systems = Magento/open cart.
posted by michaelh at 7:51 AM on June 15, 2012

EPiServer Commerce.
posted by inigo2 at 8:32 AM on June 15, 2012

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