These Blackberries don't taste so good...
December 18, 2010 5:55 AM   Subscribe

Do you know anything about defective Blackberry batteries? Is there a definitive way to tell if a battery is from a defective batch? A list of bad serial numbers? Or a way to tell visually?

I asked this question on the CrackBerry forums but so far have not had any useful responses.

I handle the wireless lines for my company. We have about a dozen users with Blackberry Curve 8530s (Curve2) that we got from Verizon in August.

Recently two users had batteries that would drain very quickly. I was able to swap the first user to a new battery and she is fine.

Second user's phone went from quickly draining to not turning on, so I sent her to the retail store to have them swap her battery. They did so, and told her that there is a known problem with a bad batch of batteries. I called them to confirm, and the girl told me that the problem is with the "blue batteries." However I said that I'd seen both solid blue and blue/gray batteries and she didn't know about that.

I want to pre-emptively swap everyone else to new batteries, so I had our rep send us a bunch of replacement batteries. However I am nervous that they sent us the same bad ones.

Do you know of a definitive way to tell if a battery is from a defective batch? Is there a list of bad serial numbers? Or a way to tell visually?
posted by radioamy to Technology (3 answers total)
I cannot be batch specific but the blue or blue/grey batteries are likely the C-S2 models. They have older batches where the batteries are squared off and a newer version where they are rounded.

Regardless of a specific "bad batch" these batteries are not that long-lived. Sometimes BB models or certain users seem to drain batteries faster but it's often that that BB or user has apps running in the background that are draining the battery faster (like maps/GPS)

I use an external battery charger after trying to drain the battery fully then recharge fully on the charger. Then I test with a known "good" phone that doesn't have any extras running except the basic BBOS and monitor how fast it drains down.

90% of the time it's the user or apps that make it drain too fast. 10% of the time I toss a battery and give them a new one.

That's just basic troubleshooting - sorry I don't know more about a bad batch out there.
posted by emjay at 8:15 AM on December 18, 2010

Response by poster: You are correct about the model.

Where can I get a battery charger? Didn't even occur to me that those existed. That seems like a good way to test.
posted by radioamy at 8:36 AM on December 18, 2010

Quick search turns up:
Random cellular sales site

I use a similar one though I cannot say where I got it (I have several different ones for all the different battery types of BB's in my organization.)
posted by emjay at 6:07 PM on December 18, 2010

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