Where to find obsolete part for a Nord Lead?
May 10, 2010 11:15 PM   Subscribe

Where to find obsolete Clavia Nord parts?

Hi, I've been trying to locate an expansion board for the original Clavia Nord Lead.

I've been checking Craigslist and eBay and have tried Synth discussion boards and even contacting Nord reps, but no success.

Does anyone have any suggestions where else to look or by chance do you have an expansion board (or an expanded Nord Lead) that you'd be interested in selling?

Much thanks.

posted by twinkles2sf to Media & Arts (4 answers total)
I'd help you out but I sold my expanded Nord in 1997 (!). They're still really classy synths, built better than almost anything and with a unique sound.

You are talking about the voice expansion right? Patch storage cards are easily had.

I think if you watch ebay long enough it may turn up, but you have to figure that these parts were special ordered, put in a Lead, and stay with the synth. Theres no real incentive to take them out, and it's a very rare instance where someone would have the part but not the board.

If I were you I'd flip the stock-voice Nord on ebay, and grab an expanded one for a little more. (Or I'd just get an original Nord Modular keyboard).
posted by tremspeed at 12:15 AM on May 11, 2010 [1 favorite]

Have you tried contacting some obscure synth shops like Analog Heaven? I bet with enough digging, you'll find a guy who knows a guy etc. I know there are tons more shops out there. Or there's the bi-annual Vemia auction. It's a bit more of a long shot, but worth keeping your eye on.
posted by Magnakai at 1:27 AM on May 11, 2010

Input from mr. something something:

The nord distrubutor in the US will 100% definitely never help you with anything, so that is not an option. Even if they were inclined to help anyone with anything, the 12-voice expansion board is no longer produced, so they wouldn't be able to help you anyway. The expansion boards come up on eBay from time to time, so if you just keep searching vigilantly that is your best bet. Craigslist and the vintagesynth.com forums are probably other good bets because you never know what you will find. Ultimately, there's no way around the fact that it's a rare, high-demand, low-supply item. I do have one, and like most owners, I will never sell it.
posted by something something at 7:05 AM on May 11, 2010

Response by poster: "Flipping the stock voice Nord on eBay and searching for an expanded one" - Yeah that's kinda my plan. I know it's unlikely to find an expansion board by itself, but I don't want to sell the standard Nord until I find an expanded one. I figure something's better than nothing :)

Anyway, thanks for all the references. I will definitely check them out along with the continued hunting on CL and eBay.
posted by twinkles2sf at 5:11 PM on May 14, 2010

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