I've just moved; should I register to vote in the new state or the old one?
October 4, 2004 3:31 PM   Subscribe

RegisterToVoteFilter: I've just moved from one state to another, accompanying my wife while she attends graduate school. Should I register to vote in the new state or the old one? [MI]

We're only planning on being in the new state for 2 years and are hoping to maintain "permanent resident status" in the original state (for insurance/car registration purposes). We are both registered to vote in the original state. Is it better to request an absentee ballot or vote in the new state? Can I maintain resident status in the original state if I register in another state? Am I even able to request an absentee ballot since I am just following my wife around and not actually in school? Hurry! I must get it straightened out soon! If you haven't registered Do it now! (Or here)
posted by maniactown to Law & Government (4 answers total)
I read an article today that said out-of-state college students in swing states were moving their registrations to the swing state where they attend college so that their votes can have more impact.

I registered to vote in the state where I went to college and maintained a permanent residence in another state, so I guess you can do it too.
posted by Frank Grimes at 3:43 PM on October 4, 2004

Since you cannot be required to register to vote in the US, it cannot be used as sole proof of residency, same as a driver's license. Your car insurance, if they are like mine, will rarely check up on where your actual residency is as long as their mail to you isn't returned. However, it is technically insurance-naughty to do that and as a side note I'd have a good story handy in case you get pulled over with a local driver's license and out of state plates, that's a wicked ticket. I'd say look into how your candidate is doing in whatever states you have the option of voting in and seeing where it could make the most difference. As far as I know, while registration is good for claiming residency for college in situations where you don't have much other proof, I haven't seen it being used to take away residency, if that makes sense. I don't think they cross reference the voter registration rolls with anything other than the jury duty lists, though this is all New England knowledge that I have and we still have paper ballots that we write on.
posted by jessamyn at 4:03 PM on October 4, 2004

it depends on the state. If your old state is a swing state, vot e there. If the new state is a swing state, vote in the new state.

If neither state is a swing state, buy a bunch of weed and stay home and smoke it, it'll have just as much impact on the future of the country.
posted by delmoi at 7:45 PM on October 4, 2004

Don't forget about congressional elections, and senate. It's not all about the president. Even if you're not in a swing state, you might be in a swing district.
posted by rhyax at 2:34 AM on October 5, 2004

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