Extraterrestrial needs assistance
May 14, 2019 5:08 AM   Subscribe

Suppose that I hail from another planet and have crash-landed in New York with no Earthly friends or hobbies and a pressing need to find fun activities. I will be in the area indefinitely while my ship undergoes repairs. What are some ways to find fun things to do? I understand that this question is overbroad, but please assume that no traits of my species or experiences on my home planet are relevant.
posted by ionnin to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation

This post was deleted for the following reason: Hey there, if this is an actual question asking about fun things for you to do in NY, it needs to be clearer. If it's more a "let's play a game: what if an extraterrestrial landed in NY?" that is against guidelines, sorry! -- taz

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