I'm a Desperate Grad Student who Will Do Anything for Data
March 21, 2012 10:42 AM   Subscribe

I need Francophones to carry out a study (natives and non-natives welcome!).

I'm a graduate student and I'm having trouble finding participants for a study I'm doing, so I've been advised to look to the internets for altruistic individuals, as I need to collect data ASAP.

I need conversational data (audio or video) from dyads (pairs) of the following types:

Native English + Native English
Native English + Native French
Native French + Native French

The conversations *must be in French* and need be no longer than 5-7 minutes long. They can be about any topic, a final oral project you did for class, whatever. If you are at a loss for topics I can give you a few. Bonus karma points if you can do multiple combinations (Native English + Native French and a Native English + Native English conversation).

I've been recruiting through my university and have gotten only one reply in an entire month for subjects to come in and do the experiment in person, so this is a fallback plan because I'm getting pretty desperate.

If you're interested or know someone who might be, PLEASE MeMail me. For (linguistic) science! You will also need to fill out a short survey in your native language.

In addition, I'm also searching YouTube/Veoh/DailyMotion for conversations like these. If you have any links to pairs that meet the above criteria, please let me know.
posted by petiteviolette to Writing & Language

This post was deleted for the following reason: You can't do "help me with my survey" stuff here. Try Jobs or a place like Craigslist. -- jessamyn

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