Xbox 360 won't connect, thus limiting my 'rocking out' time.
July 19, 2008 3:27 PM   Subscribe

I've been using my Xbox 360 for almost a year without any networking problems. As of two days ago, it will not log into Xbox Live and the problem has gotten worse.

I've been using the Xbox 360 on my network with an Apple AirPort Extreme (802.11n) and a cable internet connection without issue. On Thursday, I tried to get online and it wouldn't sign in - the network test failed on the MTU stage. I didn't have time to troubleshoot it then, so I waited until this morning. Now that I've been working with it, I tried swapping ethernet cables, power it off, along with my router and cable modem and such, now it won't even get an IP address. I even went so far as plug the 360 directly into the modem and restart the modem.

Is there a way to reset the 360 completely (and not lose my profile, downloaded content)? I'm certain that there is something on the 360 that is causing the problem. I've reset the 360 network settings to default, but they weren't change in the first place.

This is quite frustrating, please help. All logical attempts at remedying this have failed.
posted by cgomez to Computers & Internet (4 answers total)
Have you tried assigning a static IP to the 360?
posted by evilelvis at 4:29 PM on July 19, 2008

Are you sure you're not banned on Xbox Live? In the network setup screens/test, you should see this error screen when you click to see more info on whatever failed during connecting.
posted by cyanide at 8:31 PM on July 19, 2008

Response by poster: Assigned it an IP at the router level and it still failed to get an IP. I'm not even getting to the Xbox Live authentication stage.
posted by cgomez at 1:24 PM on July 20, 2008

I would recommend hard wiring the Xbox to the router (even if temporarily), then re-assign it a static IP. Make sure to reboot the modem, router, xbox in that order.

Have you called Xbox Live Technical Support? They're usually pretty good at getting you reconnected, even if they don't know why I can't stream music from my computer to my xbox anymore....

Problem might be a local outage or update issue.

posted by noir at 5:13 PM on July 21, 2008

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