BEST web library for art?
March 24, 2008 11:05 AM   Subscribe

WebLibary filter: MeFites, in your opinion what is the BEST web library for art journals and books a la, Questa?

WebLibary filter: MeFites, in your opinion what is the BEST web library for art journals and books a la, Questa? I have used Questa in the past and it was ok… but I am looking for better!! Also, any research sites specifically geared towards western art sense the renaissance? Yes, it is easy to Google a list of weblibarys but I want your expert opinion on what the best are!!! Thanks a million!
posted by CreativeJuices to Media & Arts (2 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Questia is a big online database that doesn't specialize in art per se; it sounds like you're looking for something more art-specific. Are you a student at a university? Does your library offer any online databases? Ones to look for would be Grove Art, or Art Full Text, or ARTstor for actual images. You might also ask at the reference desk to see if your library has a librarian specifically devoted to Art - if they do, that person could definitely show you resources your library subscribes to.

If you're not a student, the truth is that most of the "good stuff" is subscription based, so you'll need to be affiliated with a school or have access to a really good public library that has database subscriptions.

If you are a student but you're having trouble identifying things at your school's library, you can mefimail me and tell me the name of your school, and I'll check out their website.

Also, I'm just guessing here, but you maybe haven't had any responses because your tag says "libary", so none of us librarians noticed it. If you change that to library, and add "research" and "education" it might help pick up a few more answers.
posted by donnagirl at 6:04 PM on March 27, 2008

Response by poster: Thanks a lot, I am blushing at my typo!
posted by CreativeJuices at 12:29 PM on March 30, 2008

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