A better mobile AIM client?
November 6, 2007 10:22 PM   Subscribe

A better mobile AIM client for my cellphone?

I've got a Razr V3m with Sprint as my provider. The AIM client they offer from download is from 'OZ Communications, Inc.' and it's awful. Pressing the 'Back' button on the phone's keypad to erase entered text too quickly closes the conversation and everything I had just been entering is gone. Switching from Uppercase, lowercase, and numeral entry with the Star key is equally as buggy. I can see that someone on my buddy list is away, but I can't read their away message. I can't tell how long someone's been online for. Also, only about 1/4th of my Buddy List loads, and the contacts that do appear aren't sorted into groups.

Is there another client out there that I can use on my phone?
posted by Venadium to Computers & Internet (3 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
I don't have a RAZR so I can't tell you how it'd work on your phone, but I've used ebuddy mobile messenger (supports AIM, MSN, and Yahoo) on my Nokia 6103 and it seems to work pretty well.
posted by flod logic at 11:45 PM on November 6, 2007

Agile Mobile is offering a beta of the Java-based version of Agile Messenger.
Nimbuzz offers an application and a web version of their service.
There's also JonnyChat.
posted by healthytext at 9:20 AM on November 7, 2007

I tried EQO Mobile a while back. It's decent, not fantastic. They're hoping you'll pay them for voice calls / text messages, but IM communication is free.
posted by coined at 4:08 PM on November 7, 2007

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