I want my email archives please!
October 15, 2007 7:28 AM   Subscribe

Google Apps Filter: How can I get inbox emails from my old email server onto gmail/google apps account?

Ok, I switched my company over to google apps this weekend.
(And I love it, btw).

Here's the issue. My company recently changed names/domains. I can use the mail fetcher in the individual user accounts to get archived email from mail.olddomain.com, but I can't get google apps to pick up the mail (even the old inbox mail) from mail.newdomain.com.

As a workaround, I though maybe if I give the newdomain emails an alias, I can get still get them through mail fetcher.
For example, all of our work emails are jdoe@newdomain.com (first initial last name). If I use an alias for the account: johnd@newdomain.com, gmail/google apps is able to 'see' it as a different email address for mail fetcher. The problem is that I've already switched all my MX records over, so while users can still log in to their email accounts to VIEW their archived email, they can't recieve emails on the mail.newdomain.com account (I just tested the accounts and they can send email from the mail.newdomain.com accounts). So, that would mean that google apps can't fetch them, right?

I'm using Google Apps Standard b/c we are a 15 person non-profit and don't have $750 in our tech budget for Google Apps Premiere. One workaround I've seen is the mail migration that is on premiere, but it is IMAP migration and these are all POP accounts. (If there is a way to migrate POP accounts on premiere, would it work if I signed up for the 30 day trial, migrated everything using whatever premier tool or API they have and then cancel my subscription before the month is up?)

As it is now the work week, I can't be messing with the MX records if it will lose/delay emails, but is it possible that I could do something with the MX records to allow the POP archive to migrate to gmail/google apps?

Help me Hive Mind!

(And I did search ask mefi before posting this, but nothing seems to fit this problem).
posted by batcrazy to Computers & Internet (4 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
This article may have a workaround that will work for you.
posted by winston at 8:11 AM on October 15, 2007

Users could redirect all their existing mail to the new account, after setting a filter that would bypass the inbox and archive all the old mail. Using redirect instead of forward will preserve the original to/from info, and I think will preserve the original time stamp too. Not sure on the time stamp issue though...

Might be a royal PITA for large mail stores though.
posted by COD at 8:40 AM on October 15, 2007

Response by poster: COD:

Luckily, we recently switched domains, so I don't think anyone has a large archive at the new domain. How do I go about redirecting mail?
posted by batcrazy at 10:54 AM on October 15, 2007

With Thunderbird they have to download the redirect extension. I believe it's a standard button in Outlook. Select all mail, click redirect, specify gmail address, done.
posted by COD at 1:58 PM on October 19, 2007

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