Much macro madness?
October 3, 2007 6:23 PM   Subscribe

Where can I find a repository of Word macros?

Can anyone recommend a site that has lotsa Word macros on it? I know macros are generally fairly easy to create, but I need a bunch and would rather not reinvent the wh.eel.
posted by Zinger to Computers & Internet (3 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Nothing great out there I've found, but one little areas of examples:
posted by lubujackson at 8:40 PM on October 3, 2007

VBA is my favourite. Lots of stuff for Access, Excel, etc as well.

The Word macros include:
Activate Next Window
Activates desired Window
Adding & Deleting Code in VBE Programatically
Adding Document to Recent Files List
Adding Hyperlink to a Document
Adding VBA Code programatically
Adding a Bookmark
Aligning selected paragraph to the right
Array Converted to Delimited Text String
Ascii Character Code
Attaching a Template
Automation of Word (getting or starting Word)
Autosize Height of Rows in a Table
Build an Array of Filenames and perform operation on each file in the array
Building an Array of Filenames (after browse)
Built-In Word Dialogs List
Built-in Document Properties Comments field
Changing Directory for File Open operations
Character position in a document
Character right (moving 1 char to the right)
Clear Find Formatting
Closing Word Document (with various options)
Color constants for Word
Column Fill (fills values from above)
Comparing Addresses of Bookmarks
Comparing Location of Bookmarks
Converting a Table to Text (tabbed columns)
Copying selection to clipboard
Counting and selecting objects within a Word Document (available collections)
Creating backup copy of active doc with .old ext
Cursor Types (normal & hourglass)
Cursor Types in Word (hourglass vs. normal)
Cutting Selected Text
Cycling thru Document Pages
Cycling thru Document Revisions (track changes)
Cycling thru Footnotes and Endnotes
Cycling thru Paragraphs and other collections
Cycling thru macros in the Normal template and replacing earlier with later versions (powerful!)
Cycling thru the Paragraphs of a Word doc
Date Information (various formats -- insert cmd)
Default Directory Locations (Tools|File Locations)
Delete ALL Hyperlinks from Document
Delete paragraphs containing particular term
Deleting ALL Bookmarks in Document
Deleting Duplicate Paragraphs (without sorting)
Deleting a named Bookmark
Determine if Template Modules are Password Protected
Directories and subdirectories (from starting point)
Directory information and management
Displaying Userform
Document (i.e., File) Save with variations
Document Format Types (e.g., Text, RTF)
Document Open, Read, and Close
Events Listing for various form objects
Executing a Menu Option using VBA
Extending Selection 1 character to the right
Extending Selection 1 word to the right
Extending Selection Down 1 Line
Extending Selection to the End of the Line
Extending Selection to the End of the Paragraph
Extending Selection to the Start of the Line
Feed an Array into a New Document (del dupes)
File Open (opening a known document)
File Open dialogs (to browse & select file)
Find text (simple form)
Find formatted text
Finding text formatted in a particular Style
Fonts Listing (examples of all fonts in Word)
Footnote Pane/Window (working with)
Footnote numbering option (setting with VBA)
Format determination (such as a bullet)
Going to a particular table (tables Goto command)
Hyperlink extraction to 2nd doc (very useful)
Inserting Text into a Document (various methods)
Jump to a URL on Internet (w/ default browser)
Learn active toolbar when a button is clicked
List macros within one or more templates
List Directories & Subdirs from Given Dir
Moving macros between templates (Organizer)
Moving style between templates
Moving Cursor to Named Bookmark
Moving Cursor to the End of the Document
Moving cursor down 1 line
Moving cursor down 1 paragraph
Moving cursor to end of paragraph
Moving cursor to end of selection (variations)
Moving cursor to start of selection (variations)
Moving cursor to the end of the line
Opening a blank Word document
Overriding Word's Built-In Commands
Paragraph alignment (reading the property)
Paragraph properties (read when para selected)
Pasting text from the clipboard
Pre-defined (Built-in) Bookmarks
Pre-defined Bookmarks (good for navigation)
Previous window (going to it)
QuickSort (Fast!!) (Multidimensional on 2 dims)
QuickSort (Fast!!) (Multidimensional on 3 dims)
QuickSort (Fast!!) (Single Dimension)
Random number generation (within limits)
Removing whitespace from string of text
Repeating last Find command
Replace Indents with Tab Characters
Replaces Multiple Spaces with a Single Space
Repositioning cursor (and text) to middle of screen
Saving and Restoring Find Dialog settings
Selecting text in Word doc using locations
Selecting the entire Word document
Selecting a row in a Word table
Selection information avail in Word (large list!)
Setting Word Tools Options (with VBA)
Setting width of Pictures contained in Document
Skeleton Word macro (contains useful functions)
Sort HTML Table Area (created for this page!)
Sorting by paragraphs (once text block selected)
Special characters in Word (as in Find/Replace)
Start of Document (relocating cursor to top)
Start of Line (relocates cursor)
Starting a New Document (i.e., New File)
Status Bar Messages (shows progress thru doc)
Style Validation and/or Creation ("DeleteStyle")
Subdirectories of current directory
Toggle Field Codes in a Document (visible or not)
Toggle Toolbar routine (visible vs. not visible)
Turn screen updating on/off (improves speed!!)
Turning Track Changes On/Off in Word
Underlining selection in Word (with various styles)
Unhiding all hidden text in a Word document
Window name (can be activated as needed)
Word Automation (simple example)
Word Document Properties & Statistics
Word Startup Command Line Switches
posted by flutable at 6:36 AM on October 4, 2007

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