Constant Contact Experiences
September 11, 2007 1:03 PM   Subscribe

What have your experiences with Constant Contact been?
posted by drezdn to Computers & Internet (9 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Very positive. Good service on the rare occasions when you need to talk to someone, but otherwise it just works.
posted by piro at 1:17 PM on September 11, 2007

I had a great experience when I used it, but was surprised when the charge showed up on my credit card in Austrailian dollars. That was a while ago though, and I'm not sure if that changed.

I would absolutely recommend it, and our mailling lists were anywhere from 250 to 2000 names.
posted by elvissa at 1:39 PM on September 11, 2007

I tried it, but decided to move to Campaign Monitor because I don't need to send out campaigns monthly.
Constant Contact constantly contacts the point of spamming. However, I know many people who swear by them.
posted by acoutu at 3:17 PM on September 11, 2007

If you're considering alternatives - I've really grown to love Icontact for my small business. Straight-forward, effective, and painless to use... I haven't used Constant Contact to offer a comparison though.
posted by waylons at 4:26 PM on September 11, 2007

As a designer hate it, and suggest Campaign Monitor and (and its little brother MailBuild) to everyone who dare ask me. Constant Contact feels very clumsy, and for some reason it's a nightmare to set up a template for the client I have that uses it. I still have to go in and create each email manually.

Campaign Monitor is just plain slick in every way by comparison.

A friend recently recommended NotifyList, which I haven't had a chance to try. I had a tech support issue setting up my account, and nobody's gotten around to me, so I wouldn't expect great service, but it is free, so...
posted by Plug Dub In at 4:52 PM on September 11, 2007

I've had an okay experience. If you don't have an HTML/XML template that you're using, you're stuck with some severely unappealing options. I think there are cheaper (free?) alternatives as well. I always meant to switch to DadaMail, which I believe is free and quite customizable.
posted by annabellee at 8:34 PM on September 11, 2007

Sorry - I made a mistake. Campaing Monitor billed in Austrailian dollars, not Constant Contact. I've used both and Constant Contact is definitely not as good as Campaing Monitor.
posted by elvissa at 6:28 AM on September 12, 2007

I used to use Constant Contact but then a friend told me about Elite Email Marketing Software, so I gave that a try.

I like it a lot better and there are no monthly fees, which, for me, is great.

The Elite interface is a lot better and their support absolutely kills what I used to get with Constant Contact.

Cheers! =)
posted by jenniferwalker at 3:48 PM on December 11, 2007

Response by poster: We've been using Constant Contact for nearly two months now.

They're a bit expensive but they also seem to know their business well. They have a cool ajaxy interface, but I've found it easier sometimes to just edit the code in dreamweaver because CC can work slowly.

Probably the only really frustrating thing about them is that everything seems to cost extra.
posted by drezdn at 10:22 AM on March 14, 2008

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