Can I take a GCE exame outside the UK?
August 20, 2007 12:14 PM   Subscribe

How do I take a GCE A level exame outsite the UK?

I'm applying for a course in the University of London and, after a long 3 months of wait, they have contacted me saying I need to take a GCE A level test in Mathematics.

Along with their letter came a list of 5 examination boards (AQA, OCR, EdExcel, and two more). I went to each of their websites and didn't find any information on how to take the exam in Brazil, my country of living.

Can anyone help me out? Their request letter is not very specific and they seem to have ignored the fact I'm not based in the United Kingdom.
posted by dcrocha to Education (3 answers total)
Check with any English schools near where you live? They may have students who study for maths a-level and could let you sit the exam with them. Also check with the British Council in Brazil, aka cultural section of British Embassy.
posted by londongeezer at 12:27 PM on August 20, 2007

Seconding what londongeezer said about the British Council . They invigilate exams (of all sorts), and may be able to tell you something about who actually runs them.
posted by different at 12:47 PM on August 20, 2007

Relevant British Council page (PT)
posted by mdonley at 12:48 PM on August 20, 2007

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