Spellcheck has disabled self
August 6, 2007 5:16 PM   Subscribe

My Spellcheck isn't working

Running Microsoft Word 2007, spellcheck isn't recognizing mis-spelled words, not even long chains of consonants. I just had to do a full reload of the computer (thanks to an IM program downloaded by niece, which allowed a flood of spyware onto the computer). I've already run a Microsoft program diagnostics, loaded, unloaded and reloaded virus protections and run several scans. Help!
posted by Sara Anne to Computers & Internet (3 answers total)
This is probably a stupid question but did you try going into tools and making sure its turned on and using the correct dictionary? If you did then make sure your dictionary exists.
posted by fshgrl at 5:31 PM on August 6, 2007

Very oddly (this has happened to me) there is a paragraph style setting for "don't spellcheck this paragraph". It can get stuck on, causing following paragraphs not to check. I don't know where it is in Word 2007, but you want to look in your paragraph styles and make sure it hasn't gotten turned on.
posted by The Bellman at 6:50 PM on August 6, 2007

I don't have Word 2007 handy, but in Word 2003 I see this a lot with some docs that float around.

In those cases I need to make sure that:

Tools->Options->Spelling & Grammer

Checkbox "hide spelling errors in this document"

Is not checked.
posted by bottlebrushtree at 8:06 PM on August 6, 2007

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