What are some good online testing platforms for K-8 schools
November 3, 2023 9:00 AM   Subscribe

Are there any decent online testing platforms for K-8 schools to use?

The state I teach in has switched to online testing for its K-8 standardized state testing. The platform they have built is nice and easy to use, but we are looking for a platform we can use during school year instruction that will mirror the experience for the students so they can practice using it all year and even integrate more technology in classroom instruction. The software company that built it for the state will not work with school systems to replicate it for us.

Are there any good online testing platforms out there that can handle math and ELA? I'm really hitting a roadblock here. The state dept. is of zero help and has left it to the schools to figure it out, naturally.

We are currently using a brand called Remark, which is really not meeting our needs, especially when it comes to some of the more complicated mathematical problems that require charts and graphs and functions. We've also used a brand called Formative, which is also not great for what we need.
posted by archimago to Education (2 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
My son attends a school that uses iReady.

I'm not a teacher -- but the teachers and counselors at the school seem to like it pretty well.
posted by pantarei70 at 10:34 AM on November 3, 2023

Are you looking for a product with pre-loaded standards-aligned question banks, or just an online quiz engine where you would add your own content? Most LMSs (learning management systems like Canvas, Blackboard, etc.) will have the latter.
posted by smirkette at 9:12 PM on November 3, 2023

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