Rainbow Art Book for Kids from the 70s!
February 27, 2023 1:42 PM   Subscribe

My elementary school library in the early 1980s had a non-fiction art book which was themed on rainbows. Large format paperback, about twice as wide as it was tall, pretty thick, with colorful 70s style graphics (probably four-color printing?) on newsprinty texture paper. Lots of suggestions for art projects. Very strong 70s graphic look and DIY ethos for kids. Any guesses what this book might have been?
posted by shadygrove to Media & Arts (2 answers total)
Best answer: This is a fun question and I'd love to see the answer. I'm sifting through a search at used book aggregator Abe Books looking for a paperback published between 1970 and 1982 that fits this description. Best one I've found so far based on the dimensions you describe is I Can Make a Rainbow by Marjorie Frank, though A Family Raised on Rainbows by Beverly K Nye might also be a contender?
posted by Sublimity at 4:25 PM on February 27, 2023 [2 favorites]

Response by poster: Incredible! I’m pretty sure it is “I Can Make a Rainbow”! I ordered that copy. I always stump askmeta with my book questions, so I’m very dazzled to get this one answered!
posted by shadygrove at 5:07 PM on February 27, 2023 [2 favorites]

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