Divorce lawyer recommendation
July 25, 2022 12:24 PM   Subscribe

A family member is looking for a divorce lawyer in Cobb County, Georgia / the metro Atlanta area. Do you have any recommendations or at least criteria she can use to evaluate options?

Complications include a shared house but no kids. She is definitely concerned about cost as well and isn’t sure what is reasonable to expect (one person quoted her in the $7,000 range). If you don’t have any specific recommendations but do have idea about what she should look for when evaluating options, that would be helpful. Thank you!
posted by rustcellar to Law & Government (3 answers total)
David Beaudry put together a cooperative divorce for me in 2014. My ex paid everything so I honestly have no idea what it cost but he's a good guy and he helped me with some related, emergent issues a year or two later as well.
posted by Medieval Maven at 12:35 PM on July 25, 2022

Call three reputable lawyers in the area who do not handle divorces. Ask them for a referral for a lawyer who handles divorces involving equitable distribution. Then call one/all of those lawyers.
posted by flarbuse at 3:22 PM on July 25, 2022

When I was divorcing, I asked several non-lawyer friends for recommendations. They said they could recommend someone who would be kind and supportive during the process, or someone who would be brutally honest but quick, thorough, and competent. I went with brutally honest guy. I am glad I did. We basically had everything sorted in three meetings with the lawyer. But he never handed me a tissue and said, "There, there." Many many people want the first option. Keep that in mind.
posted by eleslie at 4:02 AM on July 26, 2022

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