How would I get this animation made?
August 27, 2021 8:35 AM   Subscribe

I need to make a short video to thank the sponsors of an event we're throwing. I'd like it to look like their names written in the sand, and between each donor level, a wave comes up to wash the previous names away. I've never 'ordered' anything like this before so I'm not sure exactly where I'd look for someone to do this or what terminology I'd use to search for someone. Help?
posted by BuddhaInABucket to Media & Arts (4 answers total)
Response by poster: BTW if anyone here knows how to do this I'm happy to consider working with you! (And to clarify yes, we do have a budget for this, but we *are* a nonprofit so it's on the lower end)
posted by BuddhaInABucket at 8:37 AM on August 27, 2021

While I despise the model, Fiverr may have people who do this sort of thing.
posted by feistycakes at 9:04 AM on August 27, 2021

Well, I'm a professional animator who has worked for a lot of big clients (website on my profile page, and I can work in a variety of styles even beyond what's seen there), and could potentially help, although it depends on what you mean by "lower end," budget-wise. If it's in the hundreds, it's too low for animation. Feel free to shoot me a message either here on MeFi or using the email address on my site!

You can definitely find someone cheaper on Fiverr, though it's probably a bit of a crapshoot. If your budget is decent, and we figure out that I'd not be a good fit, I might be able to connect you with someone else through my channels.
posted by edlundart at 2:06 PM on August 27, 2021 [2 favorites]

When you are talking to artists about this, the main questions (aside from budget) that they are going to want answered are:

Duration: how long should the video be?
Resolution: (HD? 4K? etc)
Style: animated? compositied from stock? how realistic or stylized would you like it to be?
Deadline: when do you need it by?

Another way you could approach this is to hire a vfx artist to put this together using stock footage and a program like nuke or fusion - this is what I do for a living, so lets chat in memail to see if I can help out, or help find someone who can.
posted by 5_13_23_42_69_666 at 4:54 PM on August 27, 2021

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