Exemplary live quarantine music performances
June 27, 2020 7:19 AM   Subscribe

What have been your favorite online quarantine performances and how are finding them? I've enjoyed John Doe on Facebook (which includes a cover of 'Here Comes A Regular' about 45 minutes in) and Rhett Miller on StageIt. I'm mostly interested in rock, country, soul and blues, but please post anything you think is a great performance.
posted by donpardo to Media & Arts (13 answers total) 9 users marked this as a favorite
Charles Berthoud is an outstanding bassist.

OK go wrote and performed this song in response to Covid-19
posted by ydaltak at 7:33 AM on June 27, 2020

I really enjoyed the short, friendly Tony Trischka concert from the Freight & Salvage.
posted by wintersweet at 8:01 AM on June 27, 2020

Josh Kantor’s 7th Inning Stretch has been a near daily ray of sunlight and a balm for my troubled soul.
posted by zamboni at 8:03 AM on June 27, 2020

The Kruger Brothers do a show every Friday and Saturday at 7:15 Eastern time on Facebook and YouTube.

Also on Saturdays at 8:00 Eastern time Jorma Kaukonen has been doing shows on the Fur Peace Ranch YouTube channel. His taking this week off but resumes and will be playing with old buddy Jack Casady.
posted by tman99 at 8:39 AM on June 27, 2020 [2 favorites]

The Irish folk band Kíla did a great lockdown live performance a few weeks ago.
posted by knapah at 9:01 AM on June 27, 2020

Robyn Hitchcock and Emma Swift are rather good.
posted by scruss at 9:18 AM on June 27, 2020 [1 favorite]

In an entirely different genre, Sofi Tukker are doing half hour DJ sets on instagram live / facebook / twitch every day at the same time since quarantine started. Up to 100 or so by now. Sometime they have a theme like retro dance party or sex songs (day 69, naturally). But they always have costumes and banter and genuinely seem happy to be doing it.
posted by true at 10:39 AM on June 27, 2020

Sarah Jarosz - Childish Things (Live From Home) (YouTube; music starts at 1:14 or so). She does a fantastic job on a terrific James McMurtry song.
posted by MonkeyToes at 10:52 AM on June 27, 2020

Also, typing 'live from home' into YT's search popped a surprising number of selections in addition to Chris Thile-adjacent performances, including this from Norah Jones. I haven't watched it, but hear that she's an excellent at-home performer. Or maybe you'd like Elbow (#elbowrooms)?
posted by MonkeyToes at 11:20 AM on June 27, 2020

Swedish folk singer/songwriter Kristian Matsson, AKA The Tallest Man On Earth plays an entire version of his album, The Wild Hunt from his home.
posted by a humble nudibranch at 12:11 PM on June 27, 2020

Colin Meloy from The Decemberists did several live shows - here's a good one of covers
posted by crocomancer at 12:13 PM on June 27, 2020

Post Malone’s Nirvana cover show
posted by sandmanwv at 7:43 PM on June 27, 2020

Response by poster: Thanks everyone!
posted by donpardo at 12:28 PM on July 1, 2020

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