Accessible & positive cardio exercise videos
April 24, 2020 5:40 AM   Subscribe

I have recently discovered Leslie Sansone's "Walk At Home" videos, and am really enjoying them (SLYT example vid; SLYT channel), much to my own bafflement. What else might I like?

Things I like about Leslie Sansone "Walk At Home" videos:

- The instructor is positive, upbeat and emphasises that the main thing is trying your best, you don't have to be perfect. I think this is supported by the cheesy vibe of the videos themselves - think 1980s aerobics excellence.
- Focus is mostly on personal progress, strength and movement for health - not (exclusively) on losing weight, or similar patriarchal body shaming.
- The steps are pretty basic, so it's not a lot of advanced choreography to handle, BUT it still has a fun dance vibe to it.
- The routines are accessible, in that you can be a beginner or more advanced and still enjoy them, get a challenging workout - or work harder/less hard as needed according to how you're feeling on the day.
- Generally low impact, with substitutions available for higher impact moves on occasion.
- Videos are of various lengths (1-5 miles), so I can pick e.g. how much I want to do in a given session easily.
- Not just cardio, e.g. some videos use resistance bands and stuff like basic abs work is integrated into the movements.
- Can do in my living room, without equipment (bar optional resistance bands).

* I prefer vidoes which feature the instructor leading a class, not the instructor alone in a studio.
* The Leslie Sansone videos have music which does the job, but it's not necessarily stuff you'd actually know or want to listen to outside of an exercise class. Decent music is a must have, but better would be excellent. What "decent" means is pretty flexible, I'd be more than happy for e.g. recognizable radio hits.
* I have a subscription to, and I'd be willing to pay for access to other similar stuff, as long as I can try a couple of videos first for free.
* Must be accessible online in the UK.
* Routines ideally running 30 mins / 45 mins / 60 mins.
* I'm specifically looking for recommendations for the kind of cardio stuff Leslie Sansone does. I'm already sorted in terms of a yoga and stretching/toning stuff. am not up for circuits or bodyweight exercises alone.
* Needs to be accessible, as in somewhat flexible in terms of how you're feeling on the day. I'm disabled and my energy and pain fluctuate wildly.

Thank you in advance for helping me keep moving whilst stuck inside (for what feels like) forever.
posted by thetarium to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (4 answers total) 31 users marked this as a favorite
Best answer: Jessica Smith!

She does a wide variety of workouts, including a lot of walking ones. Many are free online, others can be purchased.
posted by Kriesa at 5:46 AM on April 24, 2020 [4 favorites]

Peggy Cappy on youtube.
posted by KleenexMakesaVeryGoodHat at 8:32 AM on April 24, 2020

Best answer: I think Leslie Sansone started in about the same era as Richard Simmons Sweatin to the Oldies. He is posting new videos during the pandemic, and his old stuff is out on youtube or you can subscribe in various places.
posted by CathyG at 7:57 PM on April 24, 2020 [1 favorite]

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