I'd like to secure a trailer - Help me with the analysis paralysis
February 20, 2020 1:59 PM   Subscribe

I'm taking a trip to a large gathering in a few weeks and like every year, someone has a smash and grab pulled on their cargo trailer, or, last year, they stole the entire trailer outright. Part of me is looking at something like Spytech's GL300MA, but another part of me is thinking that something more like a basic alarm system that goes off if the trailer is moved or the doors are opened might me more effective in preventing theft to begin with. Another part of me is sure that there's a product that does all this available in one package but everything I seem to be finding is more geared toward my commercial fleet than my trailer full of camping gear and the like.
posted by Kid Charlemagne to Shopping (1 answer total)
You can get a hitch lock, but you should have a safety chain to use between the vehicle and trailer. Run it through a wheel and a concrete block and a padlock. Even a chain locked through a wheel makes it un-drivable. But the GPS tracker is a Spy Tool, and my inner 10 year old wants one.
posted by theora55 at 4:43 PM on February 20, 2020

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