UX job hunting with little to no portfolio
June 30, 2017 7:59 AM   Subscribe

I need a new UX job as soon as possible. I'm in the interaction design/information architecture track. I've been doing this for about 6 years. Because of reasons, I don't have a portfolio. I got the job I have now through connections I don't have anymore. How am I gonna get another job?

So this is a question about making myself look as hire-able as I think I am.

The type of work I've done is more in the realm of interactive prototypes (in Axure, which I'm pretty good at) & a lot of talking, sketching, whiteboarding, & research. In my current job I've done a lot of writing articles in our team wiki, including reports I wrote on the self-directed user research I did. But I tried exporting those to Word but they look bad, and don't really make a lot of sense out of context. I don't really know how to make a decent-looking portfolio out of them.

And I feel so weird about walking up saying "Here take all of my company's IP." In the past I have gotten around that by just taking the logos & stuff out of my work, but that was back when I was doing more traditional wireframe PDFs and it was very easy to do. And my work from those days is very old and probably not good enough to show anymore. I think when I was interviewing for this job I just got over myself and showed them the stuff I was working on at the time but I don't have those materials anymore.

I do have some Axure prototypes that I think would show off both my interaction design skills & my skills at Axure:
1. One of them is for a product my company isn't pursuing, or might not pursue. There is already no mention of my company on there anywhere so that's pretty simple.
2. The other is a game I made based off a description I saw online that I credit within the game.
3. The third one will take some work to fix up and strip out the product-specific stuff but it demos a complex addition to the product that I designed & shipped. I know that having shipped stuff is a big deal. I don't have documentation for any of the other stuff I've worked on that has shipped, such as a well-known consumer-facing interface I was a big part of.

I can demo these in an interview but, do I put them online too? I don't really want to? Is that normal? I have a personal domain that doesn't have anything on it anymore. Do I get that going again? Is two or three things enough? I have reached out to some of the recruiters who spam me on LinkedIn and they all want me to send portfolios. To me a portfolio seems like such an old-fashioned thing, like a throwback to Mad Men days.

Background details: I have a BS in media studies and a Masters (2010) in Human Computer Interaction (UX degree for career changers basically). I live in the San Francisco Bay area but too far from Silicon Valley for a job down there to be feasible; San Francisco would be better. I'm looking for job security & I'd prefer a job at an established, stable company rather than a start up. But honestly I'm happy to live anywhere other than here and that's another difficult point that's tripping me up. I moved here a few years ago and don't really know anyone else around here to help me network and I'm not very good at that anyway.

My throwaway email is anonh2629@gmail.com.
posted by anonymous to Work & Money (3 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
Could you make a password-protected video (Vimeo allows this) of you talking through the three projects? This would make it easy for you to send it to recruiters and have them see things the way you want, instead of in a yucky Word document. Plus, a video gives you an opportunity to show your personality and media skills. You could use simple screen capture software to make it.

On your website, you can always describe the projects and your responsibility, and say "portfolio available on request."
posted by beyond_pink at 9:13 AM on June 30, 2017 [1 favorite]

You're overthinking this. I've been in the same industry as you for over fifteen years and have never had to show a portfolio. I work for big companies in the Bay Area (think Google, Facebook) and these companies know you can't share IP from current/past jobs. Their interviews are based on what you can talk about and design on the spot.
posted by joan_holloway at 9:37 AM on June 30, 2017 [6 favorites]

Don't bother putting anything online.

You have the right idea. Create prototypes that demonstrate solutions to problems you solved, scrubbed of identifying info. Set it up like a case study you can talk through. A few good examples of different domains is all you need.

You can do the same thing for non-prototype work. It's all about showing how you approach and solve problems.
posted by canine epigram at 9:49 AM on June 30, 2017 [2 favorites]

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