I think Google Hates Me, or at Least Photos and Music Do
September 12, 2015 3:08 PM   Subscribe

I am using the GM of El Capitan and trying to install the Google Photos uploader and the Google Music Uploader. Neither work. Help.

Here are the problems:

1. Google Photos installs fine, but when I click on the icon, it changes to a circle with a line through it. I have tried going into my Library folder and deleting any references to Google Photos, reinstalling, and nothing works.

2. Google Music Uploader: I can install and run the app, but after it asks me to log in, it tells me it cannot connect to Google. I have even changed my DNS settings to the ones Google suggests, and it still does not work.

Any help is appreciated. I grouped these questions because they are both Google-related, but if I had to have an answer for just one, it would be the music question.

Thanks, as always.
posted by 4ster to Computers & Internet (1 answer total)
Response by poster: In case anyone checks this later, I figured things out:

Music Manager:

1. Delete the app from Applications AND the Preference Pane in Settings (right click on the icon. it will be on the bottom row in Settings).

2. Reboot.

3. Open Safari (not Chrome).

4. Go to music.google.com, log in, and download and install the Music Manager again. It should work this time.

Photo Backup:

1. I cannot figure out why, but I keep getting messages that the application is incomplete or damaged when I try to open it, but my photos are somehow getting backed up to my Google Drive, which i what I wanted, so there's that.
posted by 4ster at 9:44 AM on September 15, 2015

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