Mobile app research
July 6, 2015 4:23 PM   Subscribe

I am researching mobile apps similar to Airbnb and Trip Advisor--essentially popular apps that allow you to (a) search and (b) book. Any resource that critiques or breaks down how these apps work is extremely important as well.

I am also trying to look for different UI/UX design inspiration sites (could be beautiful interface designs, or even little GIFs that focus on functionality or effect aspects).
posted by cyrusw8 to Technology (7 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Mod note: Edited post to remove link to the design site -- if it's necessary for people to understand the question, you can link to it from your profile page instead.
posted by LobsterMitten (staff) at 4:44 PM on July 6, 2015

What are you looking for? A list of examples of sites like Airbnb & TripAdvisor? Technical documentation of how they work? Style critique?
posted by brainmouse at 4:48 PM on July 6, 2015

Response by poster: Basically, I am looking for a visual breakdown of these kinds of search and book apps.
posted by cyrusw8 at 4:54 PM on July 6, 2015

Like, the design patterns they use? "Visual breakdown" isn't clear to me.
posted by chesty_a_arthur at 6:38 PM on July 6, 2015

Response by poster: The latest trends in terms of interface design in general, and specifically for these types of apps if possible. New (visual) solutions for old interactive problems.
posted by cyrusw8 at 6:55 PM on July 6, 2015

Best answer: Something like this site that shows teardowns of the user on boarding process in lots of apps/websites?
posted by the agents of KAOS at 5:02 AM on July 7, 2015

Best answer: I don’t know any sources targeting the mobile travel market, but here are a couple of good mobile design resources.

Pttrns covers mobile design patterns and includes screenshots from a wide variety of apps.

Capptivate focuses on mobile app animations.
posted by the biscuit man at 9:17 AM on July 7, 2015 [1 favorite]

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