Replacement hat
November 30, 2013 9:12 PM   Subscribe

I bought this hat, I think, in Cairns back in 2002/2003, lost it a few years ago, and would dearly love another one like it. Every now and then I get online & try searching for one, but I can never find the right thing. I loved this hat, I found the width of the brim to be just perfect for me, it was easy to shove into my handbag with mangling it, it was light, wouldn't blow off, etc etc. Above the blue/black band, was more white & a blue star on the top. It was made of cotton & either knitted crocheted. Is there a specific name for this type of sunhat? I don't want anything with bows or frills or other adornments. Happy to consider commissioning someone to make one.
posted by goshling to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (6 answers total)
These are sometimes called "bucket hats"--yes, yours looks crocheted. Scanning over the ready-made ones on Etsy, it's my impression most of them have the sorts of things you don't want (ribbons, flowers, frills) or are, well, ugly. I think your best bet is to purchase a pattern and follow your idea of commissioning someone to make one for you. Here is a good pattern for a good crocheted bucket hat that looks sturdy and similar to the one in your picture--if you want the brim a little bigger just let the crocheter know and they can probably customize it for you. (The pattern does include instructions for an adult hat despite all the child-and-baby-sized items on the page.)
posted by hurdy gurdy girl at 9:52 PM on November 30, 2013

Response by poster: I thought it may have been a bucket hat, but many of those I've seen seem to be very, well bucket shaped, like the one in the pattern, but my hat was more rounded. I've some hats labelled as cloche hats that also have a similar shape as my hat, but with a narrower (or absent) brim.

I can't understand why there are so many ugly hats in existence and trawling through Etsy & Ebay is made more difficult due to their very poor filtering.

How would I describe the cotton I'm after? It was soft but maintained it's shape, totally non-itchy or irritating & didn't fluff or fray at all. I wish I had some photos of it, but the one linked above is the only one I've been able to find.
posted by goshling at 11:08 PM on November 30, 2013

Yep, a crochet bucket hat. It's not identical, but perhaps something like this?
posted by Georgina at 11:08 PM on November 30, 2013

Found another pattern--this one's free! Here's a pic of the designer in the adult size version. It has a more rounded top--does it look a little more like your old one?

Here are some more patterns--they seem to be a bit more rounded. It looks like the second one (with the pattern on the hatband) has a wider brim, like yours. You could ask the crocheter to just leave off the pattern if you don't like it. I think that one is quite cute!

As for what the cotton is called--did it have a bit of a sheen? If so, it was probably mercerized. It might just be yarn with a tight twist. You wouldn't want a loose twist because that kind of yarn is fluffy and soft, not likely to hold its shape. But in all honesty, what would really help it hold its shape is how tightly it was crocheted. Tighter gauge=sturdier fabric. Looser gauge=floppier fabric.
posted by hurdy gurdy girl at 12:30 AM on December 1, 2013

Happy to consider commissioning someone to make one.

There are so many MeFites that knit and crochet; perhaps this would be something you can post on Jobs.

(I know that sounds wishy-washy but I've never posted anything to Jobs.)
posted by Room 641-A at 7:35 AM on December 1, 2013

I have the cousin of your lost hat (except mine is pink and purple). I bought it from a Cancer Council stall at the Sydney Royal Easter Show I-forget-how-many-years-ago. It's been scrunched into handbags and suitcases and pockets, dropped into dirty dam water and rinsed under the shower, shared around whoever needed a hat and forgot theirs, and it still looks brand-new. It is ridiculously light and comfortable, fits perfectly, breathes so you don't feel like your head is cooking, and is just the all-round perfect hat.

That said, I can't find the exact same match here on the Council site, but maybe something like this would work for you?
posted by malibustacey9999 at 5:13 PM on December 1, 2013

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